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MIDI implementatie
MIDI implementatie
1. Received data
Channel Voice Messages
Note off
Note on
Control Change
The value specified by a Control Change message is not reset by a Program
Change, etc.
Bank Select (Controller number 0, 32)
Only for Free Bass.
Expression (Controller number 11)
This adjusts the volume of a Part. It can be used independently from Volume
(CC07) messages. Expression messages are used for musical expression within
a performance, e.g., expression pedal movements, crescendo and decrescendo.
Program Change
System Realtime Messages
Active Sensing
•When Active Sensing is received, the FR-3 starts monitoring the intervals of all
further messages. While monitoring, if the interval between messages exceeds
420 ms, the same processing will be carried out as when All Sounds Off, All Notes
Off and Reset All Controllers are received, and message interval monitoring will
be halted.
•When an FA message is received from an external MIDI device such as sequen-
cer, the FR-3 sends all necessary MIDI information for a song header setup: Tre-
ble, Orchestra, Bass/Free, Orchestra Bass, sound setup.
System Exclusive Messages
The System Exclusive Messages received by the FR-3 are messages related to
Data Set (DT).
Data Set 1 DT1 (12H)
The amount of data that can be received at one time depends on the type of data,
and data will be transmitted from the specified starting address and size.
Data larger than 256 bytes must be divided into packets of 256 bytes or less, and
each packet must be sent at an interval of about 20ms.
2. Transmitted data
Channel Voice Messages
Note off
Note on
Control Change
Bank Select (Controller number 0, 32)
Expression (Controller number 11)
This adjusts the volume of a Part. Expression messages are used for musical ex-
pression within a performance, e.g., expression pedal movements, crescendo and
Program Change
System Realtime Messages
Active Sensing
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
8nH kkH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
kk = note number: 00H~7FH (0~127)
vv = note off velocity: 00H~7FH (0~127)
2nd byte 3rd byte
9nH kkH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
kk = note number: 00H~7FH (0~127)
vv = note on velocity: 01H~7FH (1~127)
2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 00H mmH
BnH 20H llH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
mm = Bank number MSB: 00H~7FH
ll = Bank number LSB: 00H~7FH
2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 0BH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
vv = Expression: 00H~7FH (0~127)
2nd byte
CnH ppH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
pp = Program number: 00H~0BH: Treble Register 1~12
00H~0AH: Orchestra Register 1~10
00H~06H: Bass/FreeBass/Orch.Bass/
Orch.Chord/Orch. FreeBs Register 1~7
00H~0AH: Set 1~10
Data byte Status
F0H iiH, ddH, ......,eeH F7H
F0H: System Exclusive Message status
ii = ID number: An ID number (manufacturer ID) to indicate the manufacturer
whose Exclusive message this is. Roland’s manufacturer ID is
dd,...,ee = data: 00H~7FH (0~127)
F7H: EOX (End Of Exclusive)
Data byte Status
F0H 41H, dev, 42H, 12H, aaH, bbH, ccH, ddH, … eeH,
ffH, sum
Byte Explanation
F0H Exclusive status
41H ID number (Roland)
10H Device ID
00H Model ID #1 (FR-3 V-Accordeon)
7CH Model ID #2 (FR-3 V-Accordeon)
12H Command ID (DT1)
aaH Address MSB: upper byte of the starting address of
the data to be sent
bbH Address: upper middle byte of the starting address of
the data to be sent
ccH Address: lower middle byte of the starting address of
the data to be sent
ddH Address LSB: lower byte of the starting address of
the data to be sent
eeH Data: the actual data to be sent. Multiple bytes of data
are transmitted in order starting from the address.
:: ::
ffH Data
sum Checksum
F7H EOX (End of Exclusive)
2nd byte 3rd byte
8nH kkH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
kk = note number: 00H~7FH (0~127)
vv = note off velocity: 00H~7FH (0~127)
2nd byte 3rd byte
9nH kkH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
kk = note number: 00H~7FH (0~127)
vv = note on velocity: 01H~7FH (1~127)
2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 00H mmH
BnH 20H llH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
mm = Bank number MSB: 00H~7FH
ll = Bank number LSB: 00H~7FH
2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 0BH vvH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
vv = Expression: 00H~7FH (0~127)
2nd byte
CnH ppH
n = MIDI channel number: 0H~FH (Ch.1~16)
pp = Program number: 00H~7FH: program no. 1~128
FEH Transmitted about every 250ms.
FAH This message is transmitted when the [METRONOME] switch is
pressed after assigning the “2” option to the “MFn” parameter.
FCH This message is transmitted when the [METRONOME] switch is
pressed after assigning the “2” option to the “MFn” parameter.
Status Data byte Status

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