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PR-A (Preset A)
Nr. Naam Voice Key Assign Nr. Naam Voice Key Assign
001 64voicePiano 1 POLY 065 Dual Profs 3 POLY
002 Bright Piano 1 POLY 066 Saw Mass 4 POLY
003 Classique 2 POLY 067 Poly Split 4 POLY
004 Nice Piano 3 POLY 068 Poly Brass 3 POLY
005 Piano Thang 3 POLY 069 Stackoid 4 POLY
006 Power Grand 3 POLY 070 Poly Rock 4 POLY
007 House Piano 2 POLY 071 D-50 Stack 4 POLY
008 E.Grand 1 POLY 072 Fantasia JV 4 POLY
009 MIDIed Grand 3 POLY 073 Jimmee Dee 4 POLY
010 Piano Blend 3 POLY 074 Heavenals 4 POLY
011 West Coast 4 POLY 075 Mallet Pad 4 POLY
012 PianoStrings 4 POLY 076 Huff N Stuff 3 POLY
013 Bs/Pno+Brs 4 POLY 077 Puff 1080 2 POLY
014 Waterhodes 2 POLY 078 BellVox 1080 4 POLY
015 S.A.E.P. 3 POLY 079 Fantasy Vox 4 POLY
016 SA Rhodes 1 4 POLY 080 Square Keys 2 POLY
017 SA Rhodes 2 2 POLY 081 Childlike 4 POLY
018 Stiky Rhodes 3 POLY 082 Music Box 3 POLY
019 Dig Rhodes 2 POLY 083 Toy Box 2 POLY
020 Nylon EPiano 4 POLY 084 Wave Bells 4 POLY
021 Nylon Rhodes 4 POLY 085 Tria Bells 4 POLY
022 Rhodes Mix 3 POLY 086 Beauty Bells 4 POLY
023 PsychoRhodes 2 POLY 087 Music Bells 2 POLY
024 Tremo Rhodes 4 POLY 088 Pretty Bells 2 POLY
025 MK-80 Rhodes 1 POLY 089 Pulse Key 3 POLY
026 MK-80 Phaser 1 POLY 090 Wide Tubular 4 POLY
027 Delicate EP 2 POLY 091 AmbienceVibe4 POLY
028 Octa Rhodes1 4 POLY 092 Warm Vibes 2 POLY
029 Octa Rhodes2 4 POLY 093 Dyna Marimba1 POLY
030 JV Rhodes+ 4 POLY 094 Bass Marimba 4 POLY
031 EP+Mod Pad 4 POLY 095 Nomad Perc 3 POLY
032 Mr.Mellow 4 POLY 096 Ethno Metals 4 POLY
033 Comp Clav 1 POLY 097 Islands Mlt 4 POLY
034 Klavinet 4 POLY 098 Steelin Keys 3 POLY
035 Winger Clav 4 POLY 099 Steel Drums 1 POLY
036 Phaze Clav 1 2 POLY 100 Voicey Pizz 3 POLY
037 Phaze Clav 2 1 POLY 101 Sitar 2 POLY
038 Phuzz Clav 2 POLY 102 Drone Split 4 POLY
039 Chorus Clav 1 POLY 103 Ethnopluck 4 POLY
040 Claviduck 2 POLY 104 Jamisen 2 POLY
041 Velo-Rez Clv 1 POLY 105 Dulcimer 2 POLY
042 Clavicembalo 4 POLY 106 East Melody 2 POLY
043 Analog Clav1 1 POLY 107
044 Analog Clav2 1 POLY 108 Nylon Gtr 1 POLY
045 Metal Clav 3 POLY 109 Gtr Strings 3 POLY
046 Full Stops 2 POLY 110 Steel Away 3 POLY
047 Ballad B 3 POLY 111 Heavenly Gtr 4 POLY
048 Mellow Bars 4 POLY 112 12str Gtr 1 2 POLY
049 AugerMentive 3 POLY 113 12str Gtr 2 3 POLY
050 Perky B 2 POLY 114 Jz Gtr Hall 1 POLY
051 The Big Spin 3 POLY 115 LetterFrmPat 4 POLY
052 Gospel Spin 3 POLY 116 Jazz Scat 3 POLY
053 Roller Spin 3 POLY 117 Lounge Gig 3 POLY
054 Rocker Spin 3 POLY 118 JC Strat 1 POLY
055 Tone Wh.Solo 3 POLY 119 Twin Strats 3 POLY
056 Purple Spin 4 POLY 120 JV Strat 2 POLY
057 60’s LeadORG 2 POLY 121 Syn Strat 2 POLY
058 Assalt Organ 3 POLY 122 Rotary Gtr 2 POLY
059 D-50 Organ 2 POLY 123 Muted Gtr 1 POLY
060 Cathedral 4 POLY 124
061 Church Pipes 4 POLY 125 Power Trip 2 POLY
062 Poly Key 3 POLY 126 Crunch Split 4 POLY
063 Poly Saws 4 POLY 127 Rezodrive 2 SOLO
064 Poly Pulse 4 POLY 128
PR-B (Preset B)
Nr. Naam Voice Key Assign Nr. Naam Voice Key Assign
001 Dist Gtr 1 3 POLY 065 Analog Seq 2 POLY
002 Dist Gtr 2 3 POLY 066 Impact Vox 4 POLY
003 R&R Chunk 4 POLY 067
004 Phripphuzz 1 SOLO 068 X-Mod Man 2 POLY
005 Grungeroni 3 POLY 069 Paz <==> Zap 1 SOLO
006 Black Widow 4 POLY 070 4 Hits 4 You 4 POLY
007 Velo-Wah Gtr 1 POLY 071 Impact 4 POLY
008 Mod-Wah Gtr 2 POLY 072 Phase Hit 3 POLY
009 Pick Bass 1 SOLO 073 Tekno Hit 1 2 POLY
010 Hip Bass 2 POLY 074 Tekno Hit 2 2 POLY
011 Perc.Bass 3 SOLO 075 Tekno Hit 3 4 POLY
012 Homey Bass 2 SOLO 076 Reverse Hit 3 POLY
013 Finger Bass 1 SOLO 077 SquareLead 1 3 POLY
014 Nylon Bass 2 POLY 078
SquareLead 2
015 Ac.Upright 1 SOLO 079 You and Luck 2 SOLO
016 Wet Fretls 1 SOLO 080 Belly Lead 4 POLY
017 Fretls Dry 2 POLY 081 WhistlinAtom 2 POLY
018 Slap Bass 1 2 POLY 082 Edye Boost 2 SOLO
019 Slap Bass 2 1 SOLO 083 MG Solo 4 SOLO
020 Slap Bass 3 1 SOLO 084
FXM Saw Lead
021 Slap Bass 4 2 POLY 085 Sawteeth 3 SOLO
022 4 Pole Bass 1 SOLO 086 Smoothe 2 SOLO
023 Tick Bass 4 SOLO 087 MG Lead 2 SOLO
024 House Bass 3 SOLO 088 MG Interval 4 SOLO
025 Mondo Bass 3 SOLO 089 Pulse Lead 1 3 POLY
026 Clk AnalogBs 2 SOLO 090 Pulse Lead 2 4 SOLO
027 Bass In Face 2 POLY 091 Little Devil 4 SOLO
028 101 Bass 2 SOLO 092
Loud SynLead
029 Noiz Bass 2 SOLO 093 Analog Lead 2 SOLO
030 Super Jup Bs 2 POLY 094 5th Lead 2 SOLO
031 Occitan Bass 3 POLY 095 Flute 2 POLY
032 Hugo Bass 4 SOLO 096 Piccolo 1 POLY
033 Multi Bass 2 POLY 097 VOX Flute 4 POLY
034 Moist Bass 2 SOLO 098 Air Lead 2 POLY
035 BritelowBass 4 SOLO 099 Pan Pipes 2 POLY
036 Untamed Bass 3 SOLO 100 Airplaaane 4 POLY
037 Rubber Bass 3 SOLO 101 Taj Mahal 1 POLY
038 Stereoww Bs 3 SOLO 102 Raya Shaku 3 POLY
039 Wonder Bass 3 SOLO 103 Oboe mf 1 POLY
040 Deep Bass 2 POLY 104 Oboe Express2 POLY
041 Super JX Bs 2 SOLO 105 Clarinet mp 1 POLY
042 W<RED>-Bass 4 POLY 106 ClariExpress 2 POLY
043 HI-Ring Bass 3 POLY 107 Mitzva Split 4 POLY
044 Euro Bass 2 SOLO 108
045 SinusoidRave 1 SOLO 109
046 Alternative 2 SOLO 110 Film Orch 4 POLY
047 Acid Line 1 SOLO 111 Sop.Sax mf 2 POLY
048 Auto TB-303 3 SOLO 112 Alto Sax 3 POLY
049 Hihat Tekno 2 POLY 113 AltoLead Sax 3 POLY
050 Velo Tekno 1 3 SOLO 114 Tenor Sax 3 POLY
051 Raggatronic 4 POLY 115 Baritone Sax 3 POLY
052 Blade Racer 4 POLY 116 Take A Tenor 4 POLY
053 S&H Pad 1 POLY 117 Sax Section 4 POLY
054 Syncrosonix 3 POLY 118 Bigband Sax 4 POLY
055 Fooled Again 1 POLY 119 Harmonica 2 POLY
056 Alive 3 POLY 120 Harmo Blues 2 POLY
057 Velo Tekno 2 2 POLY 121 BluesHarp 1 POLY
058 Rezoid 4 POLY 122 Hillbillys 4 POLY
059 Raverborg 4 POLY 123 French Bags 4 POLY
060 Blow Hit 4 POLY 124 Majestic Tpt 1 SOLO
061 Hammer Bell 3 POLY 125 Voluntare 2 POLY
062 Seq Mallet 2 POLY 126 2Trumpets 2 POLY
063 Intentions 3 POLY 127 Tpt Sect 4 POLY
064 Pick It 3 POLY 128 Mute TP mod 4 POLY

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