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• Priortoeachuse,checktheapplianceandtheaccessoriesforsoundness,itmustnotbeoperatedifit
has been dropped or shows visible damage. In these cases, the power supply must be disconnected and
the appliance has to be checked by a specialist.
• Pullthemainsplugaftereachuse.
• Whenlayingthepowercord,makesurethatnobodycangetentangledorstumbleoveritsothat
accidentally pulling the grill down can be avoided.
• Keepthepowercordawayfromhotsurfaces,sharpedgesandmechanicalforces.Checkthepowercord
regularly for damage and deteriorations. Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of an electric
• Fordisconnectingtheappliancefromthemains,onlyusetheplug,neverthecord!
• Thiselectricalappliancecomplieswiththerelevantsafetystandards.Incaseofsignsofdamagetothe
appliance or the power cord, unplug the appliance immediately. Repairs may be effected by authorised
specialist shops only. Improper repairs may result in considerable dangers for the user.
• Improperuseandnon-observanceoftheinstructionmanualwillvoidwarranty.
Safety advices for using the appliance:
• Donotoperatetheapplianceinthevicinityofsourcesofheat(ovens,gasamesetc.)orinexplosive
• Keepadistanceofatleast0.5mtoallsidesand1mabovetheapplianceinordertoavoiddamage
through heat or fat splatters and to grant an unobstructed work area.
• Donotstorethegrilloutsideorindampchambers.
• Neverleavetheapplianceunattendedduringoperation.
• Neverimmersebase,controlunit,powercordorpluginwaterforcleaning.
• Onlyoperateapplianceandaccessoriesindrycondition–especiallythegrillplateandtheelectric
connections must be absolutely dry.
• Incaseyouconnectandoperatetheappliancewithanextensioncord,makesurethat…
the cord is designed for continuous loading of at least 16 A.
the cord is connected via a properly installed safety plug with safety connection.
the cord is completely unwound (when using a cable reel).
Warning – hazard of injury and burns!
Base surfaces, control unit, grill plate, splash guard/wind shield and the food are getting
hot during use!
• Whenusingthegrill,thesurfacesaregettinghot,beawareofhotfatsplattersandsteam.
• Donotplaceinammableobjectsliketissues,grillcutleryetc.onthehotgrillingsurface.
• Theappliancemustbecompletelycooledbeforeremovinggrillplate,splashguard/windshieldanddrip
pan or before cleaning or moving the appliance.
• Neverpourcoldwateronthegrillplateduringorshortlyafteroperation.Neitherpourinammable
• Thisapplianceisnotdesignedforusewithcharcoalorotherfuels!
NOTE: For protection, we recommend using grill gloves and cutlery made of heat-resistant plastic or

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Rommelsbacher BBQ 2012 Bedienungsanleitung - Französisch - 52 seiten

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