Measuring range 35% – 100% (the resolution is 1%)
Accuracy 70% – 100% (No Motion. ±2%, Motion. ±3%, Low P er fusion. ±2%)
Pulse Rate
Measuring range 30 – 250 bpm (the resolution is 1 bpm)
Accuracy 30 – 250 ± 3 digits
Probe T ype
Pr obe model Rossmax P A100, PB100, PC100, PD100(Single Use), PF100
Extension cord Rossmax PE100
Battery AA * 4 (Alkaline)
Battery Life Continually for 15 hours with 4 alkaline batteries
AC Adaptor Model: HK- X205-A06, HK- X W05-A06, ( W=1,2,3,4), HKKS-13116, HKKS-13117
Input: AC100-240V , 50/60Hz, 0.2A max; Output: DC 6V , 0.8A
Environmen tal conditions
Operation Condition T emperature: 5°C – 40°C (41°F – 104°F), Relative Humidity :15% – 95%(non
condensing), Atmospheric pressure: 700hP a ~ 1013hPa
Storage /T ranspor t
Condition T emperature: -20°C – 70°C (-4°F – 158°F), Relative Humidity :15% – 95%(non
condensing), Atmospheric pressure: 700hP a ~ 1013hPa
Note: The condition of -20°C or 70°C back to use should stand for 3 hours at
room temperature .
Dimension Size: 14.5(L) x 7.25( W ) x 2.25cm(H)
Weight About 150g (without the batteries)
Standard IEC/EN60601-1, IEC/EN60601-1-2, IEC/EN60601-1-11, ISO80601-2-61
Symbol Descriptors
Serial number
EU representativ e
T ype BF (Body Floating
IP22: Pr otected against foreig n objects and moisture
CE Mark
Warning: the symbol on this pr oduct means that it ’ s an electronic product
and following the Eur opean directive 2012/19/EU the electronic products
have to be dispose on your local r ecycling centre for saf e treatment.
Contains of natural rubber latex
Symptoms Check points Corrections
SpO2 or Pulse rate
cannot display ed
The icon “- -“ shows on the
screen tr y again.
This icon means probe
connect failure.
Be sure ”Rossmax ” probe is
connected to the device
This icon means probe
dysfunction Replace with new probe.
tr y again
SpO2 or Pulse rate ar e
not display ed stably
F inger is shaking or body is moving Keep body steady
tr y again
No display when the
bottom is pressed
Batteries run down Replace with new batteries
Batteries inserted incor rectly Re -insert batteries
The display disappears
suddenly gets no signal Normal
Low battery Replace with new batteries
Note: If the unit does not wor k, return it to your dealer . Und er no ci rcumstance should you
disassem ble and repai r the unit by y ourself.
Note: After clearing data, the icon will show 0 data.
Caution: The d eleted data could not be restored.
W arning
Memories mode - S av e C ycle
Memories mode - Clear Data
T roubleshooting
Audio Signals
• This device is not intend ed for use by people (including children ) with restric ted physical, s ensor y or
mental s kills or a lack of experience a nd/or a lack of knowledg e, un less th ey a re super vised by a p er -
son who has respons ibilit y for their s afet y or they receive instruc tions from this perso n on how to
use the device . Chi ldren should be superv ised around the device t o ensur e they do not play with it.
• This device only for spot-check ing, but not me dical result evaluation.
• This dev ice is d esigned to determine the p ercen tag e of ar terial oxygen saturation of func tiona l
hemoglob in. F ac tors that may de grade pulse oximeter p er formance or affec t the accurac y of the
measurement i nclude the following:
- Do n ot apply the pulse oximeter on the same arm as a bloo d pressure cuff, ar terial catheter or
infus ion line (s )
- Excessive light, such as sunlight or direct hom e lighting.
- Not steady at the site of application ( e.g. term-bling)
- Moisture in the device
- Improperl y applied dev ice
- Fing er is t oo large or too small to fit in to the device
- Poor pulse qua lity
- V enous pulsations
- Anemia or low hemoglob in con centrations
- Cardio green and other intravascular dyes
- Carbox yhem oglob in
- Methemoglob in
- Dys func tiona l hemo glob in
- Arti ficial nail or fing ernail polish
- On fing ers with an atomical chang es, oedemas, s cars or burns .
- The conditiona l of probe. Use only the Rossmax a pprov ed pulse oximeter sensor , c able and
accessorie s. Use of other sensors, cabl e and accessorie s can result in in accurate re adings.
• Us ing the device for lon g perio ds may cause pain for pe ople with ci rculator y disorders . Rep osition
the dev ice (p robe) at least on ce ever y 4 ho urs to allow the patient’s skin to breath and to check
patient’s con dition regu larly .
• Do not use the device near flam mable or ex plosive gas mix tures.
• Do not use the dev ice during an MRI or C T scan, b e use d no closer tha n 30 cm ( 1 2 inches ) to any p ar t
of the [ME EQUIPME NT or ME SYS TEM], including cabl es specifie d by the manufac turer.
• The device will be affe c ted by elec tromagnetic interference during oper ation.
• A warning that other cables and accessorie s may negatively affec t EM C per formance.
• The dev ice may not work w hen ci rcul ation is reduced. Warm or r ub the fing er , o r re- position the
• This device is a p recision elec tronic instrument an d must be repai red by qua lifie d tech nical
professiona ls. Fiel d repai r of th e device is not p ossible. Do n ot at tempt to open the cas e or repai r
the elec tronics . Openi n g the case may damag e the device and void the warr anty.
• Do not overex tend the device’ s spring.
• A func tiona l tester can not be use d to acc ess the accurac y of a pulse oximeter monitor .
• Do not sel f-diago nse or sel f-m edicate on the b asis of the measurements withou t consulting your
doc tor . In par ticular , do not st ar t tak ing any n ew me dication o r chang e th e t yp e and / or dosag e of
any existing medic ation withou t prior app roval.
• Do n ot lo ok directl y ins ide the hous ing during the m easuremen t. The red light and the invisible
infra -red light in the probe are harmful to your eyes.
• Please be aware that user with su sceptible skin.
• As with all m edical equ ipm ent, carefully rou te p atient cabling to redu ce the possibilit y of patient
entanglement or strangulation.
1 . Please clean the sur f ace of the device before us ing. Wip e the d evice with me dical alcoh ol (70%
isop ropyl alcoho l) first, and then let i t dr y in ai r or clean it by dr y clean fabric.
2. U sing the medical alcoho l to clean the produc t af ter use, prevent from cross inf ec tion for nex t
time use.
3. The b est s torag e environment of the dev ice is - 20°C ~ 7 0°C ambient temperature and not higher
than 95 % relative hum idity.
Note: 1 . Do not sterilize, autoclave or immers e this device in liqu id. Do not pour or spray any liqu ids
onto the device.
2. Do n ot use cau stic or abrasive cleaning agents, or any cleaning agent containing ammonium
chloride or isop ropyl alcoh ol.
Optio nal of m emo r y interva l: 6 0 / 30 / 10 secon ds
• Press the but ton and / but ton to highlight “Memor y ” option, and then press the
but ton to selec t the option.
• Entry “Memor y Mode” , press th e / button to highlight “ Save C ycle” option, and then press
the but ton to selec t the o ption.
• Entry “ Save C ycle” , press the / but ton to highlight option, and then press the but ton
to selec t the option.
• Press the / but ton to chang e the value; press the but ton to sav e the desired value.
• Press the / but ton and the but ton to selec t “B ack / Ex it ” to return.
• Press the b ut ton and / but ton to highlight “C lear Data” option, and th en p ress the
but ton to selec t the option.
• Entry “C l ear Data” , press the / but ton to highlight “Sure” option, and then press th e
but ton to selec t the option.
• Press the / but ton and the but ton to selec t “B ack / Ex it ” to return.
No. Name L CD Display Sound Control
1 Power on
V0.00 à
Beep for 2 seconds Pr ess button
version à start measure
search The icon X X
Max./ Min
SpO2 and
Pulse rate
Show or in red icon.
Beep-beep sounded
repeatedly Default
Mute for temporary, will
Beep-beep sounded
after two minutes. mode
Bar Cha r t
• Entry “Data His tory ” , press th e / bu tton to highlight “B ar Cha r t ” option for viewing statistic s
of SpO2, and then press the but ton to selec t the option.
• Entry “ SpO 2 Memor y Data” , press the but ton to go back to the monitoring screen.
Memor y T ransfe r to ROSSM AX A pp
• Entry into “Data His tory ” , press the / b ut ton to highlight “Mem or y T ransfer ” option, and
then press the bu tton to star t data tr ansmiss ion for a few secon ds.
Note: B efore ent ering the data histor y mo de, the ic on should collec t more tha n 1 data.
4Pr obe
The icon shows
on the screen Beep-beep sounded
repeatedly X
Pr obe
The icon shows
on the screen Beep-beep sounded
repeatedly x
The icon shows
on the screen
Beep-beep sounded
repeatedly f or 1 minute x
7Automatic XBeep-beep sounded After pulse is unde-
tectable for around
1 minute.
Blood saturation
& pulse rate
appears “ - - “
Beep-beep sounded
repeatedly . x
9 AC Power icon X X
Model: SA310
ww w .rossmax.c om
Handheld Pulse Oximeter
Electromagnetic Compatibility Information
1. This device needs to be installed and put into ser vice in accordance with the information provided in the user
2. W ARNING: P or table RF communications equipment (including peripherals such as antenna cables and external
by the manufacturer . O ther wise, degradation of the performance of this device could result.
Manufacturer ’ s declaration- electromagnetic immunity
of the SA310 should assure that is used in such and envir onment.
Immunity test IEC 60601 test level Compliance level Electromagnetic environment -guidance
Conducted RF
IEC 61000-4-6
3 Vrms:
0,15 MHz – 80 MHz
6 Vrms: in ISM and
amateur radio bands
0,15 MHz and 80 MHz
80 % AM at 1 kHz
3 Vrms:
0,15 MHz – 80 MHz
6 Vrms: in ISM and
amateur radio bands
0,15 MHz and 80 MHz
80 % AM at 1 kHz
Portable and mobile RF communications
equipment should be used no closer to any
part of the SA310 including cables , than the
recommended separation distance calculat ed
from the equation applicable to the frequency
of the transmitter .
Recommended separation distance:
d = 1,2 √P , d = 1,2 √P 80MH z to 800 MHz, d = 2,3
√P 800MHz to 2,7 GHz
Where P is the maximum output power rating
of the transmitter in watts ( W ) according t o the
transmitter manufac turer and d is the recom-
mended separation distance in metres (m).
Inter ference may occur in the vicinit y of equip-
ment marked with the following symbol:
Radiated RF
IEC 61000-4-3
10 V/m
80 MHz – 2,7 GHz
80 % AM at 1 kHz
10 V/m
80 MHz – 2,7 GHz
80 % AM at 1 kHz
NOTE1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
More information on EMC compliance of the device may be obtained from Rossmax using the contac ts shown
in this manual.
W arranty Card
This instrument is covered by a 2 year guarantee from the date of purchase, batteries
and accessories are not included. The guarantee is valid only on presentation of the
guarantee card completed by the dealer confirming date of purchase or the receipt.
Opening or altering the instrument invalidates the guarantee. The guarantee does
not cover damage, accidents or non- compliance with the instruction manual. Please
contact your local seller/dealer or ww w.rossmax.com.
Customer Name: __________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
T elephone: _______________________________________________________
E-mail address: ____________________________________________________
Product I nformation:
Date of purchase: __________________________________________________
Store where purchased:
Rossmax Inno T ek C orp .
12F ., No. 189, K ang Chien Rd., T aipei, 114, T aiwan.
CMC Medical Devices & Drugs S.L.
C/ Horacio L engo N° 18, CP 29006, Málaga, Spain