Note: Wear parts are excluded from the warranty.
Legal regulations of 6 months apply.
Crash replacement
Within the warranty period (two years regular, three
years after online registration) we offer a Crash
Replacement Service (CRS):
If a damage to the frame or the rear swing has been
caused by a crash, the primary owner can buy a new
frame / rear swing with a 30% discount according to
the list price.
We reserve the right to intermit this service, if we
identify, that a damage has been caused wantonly.
If any repairs, services or reconstructions are made
by us on rejected reclamations, we reserve the right,
to charge these services in addition to the used com-
ponents. Any repair and service has to be arranged
with our service department in advance.
We are not liable for accidents or consequential
damages. The user is liable for personal or material
damage, if the ROTWILD bike is used for stunt rides,
races and similar activities at any time. Warranty
service is only performed for material or working
faults. Never for overload or fatigue damages. This
also applies for torque or engine support of any kind,
for races, and for everything beyond regular use.
ROTWILD bikes are assembled with parts from world-
wide suppliers. Both technical changes, changes in
colour and improvements can be implemented without
prior notice.
The final decision, whether a part is covered by the
warranty, is made by our technicians.