Price Look Up is a convenient way for clerks to quickly and easily enter a price for specific item.This process is similar to a upc bar scan where a product scan has a specific price set to it. The only
difference here is that the clerk must enter the PLU number corresponding to the specific item. For example, if the price of 2% milk is $4.99, you can press a specific button, which is pre-
programmed specifically for 2% Milk.
5.5.1 Programmable contents
The following points must or can be programmed or defined for each PLU:
PLU Number
There are 1250 memory locations available.
PLU caption
Each PLU can be programmed individually (by name max. 18 characters).
PLU fixed price
The entry of a PLU fixed price is optional. If you do not enter a fixed price (default setting is 0.00), the cash register only operates using free pricing.
Always enter the fixed price with the set number of decimal places and decimal point.
Link department
The department assignment is required in order to assign the PLU to a tax rate.
PLU status
The factory default setting of 0 should be used.
(Optional) - Enter the inventory of the item should you wish to track inventory of this specific PLU sku.
5.5.2 Programming PLUs
Note: an example of Programming Price Look Ups (PLU) follows this explanation.
• Set the key to PRG
• Select program number 03.
Confirm by pressing the
key. The first PLU to be programmed is always displayed.
Select PLU:
• Use the
keys to move to the input area for the PLU number.
• Use the digit keys to define which PLUs is to be programmed.
• Confirm by pressing the
The system automatically switches to the next programming step.
Note: If a PLU number which you want to program already exists, the “Data Exist !!” message appears in the display. The system will still switch to the entered
memory location to complete this transaction.
Programming the PLU name
• Use the
keys to move to the input area for the PLU name.
• Enter the required text (max. 18 characters) Save each individual letter by pressing the
• When completed entering the characters, press the
Program PLU fixed price:
• Use the
keys to move to the input area for the PLU fixed price.
• Enter the fixed price (including decimal point and decimal places).
• Confirm by pressing the
Assign department:
• Use the
keys to move to the input area for the assigning the department.
• Enter the department number. Corresponding to this PLU
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