Used to select the coee strength. For Grind & Brew mode the options are:
strong. Default value is
bb. For pre-ground coee mode the options are OFF or ON.
Number of cups that are being brewed (Grind & Brew mode only). Selects the amount of coee which will be ground based on the
amount of water in the reservoir. Options: 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Default values is 8.
Used to set up the timer.
Mode select. This button selects Grind & Brew mode (display will show
), or pre-ground coee mode (display will show
Starts the brewing process.
Initiates self clean mode.
b, bb, bbb
Shows the currently selected coee strength. For Grind & Brew mode the display shows:
strong. For
pre-ground coee mode if the strength mode is set to OFF no
icon will be shown. If the strength mode is set to ON the display
will show
2, 4, 6, 8 or 10
Shows the currently selected number of cups being brewed (Grind & Brew mode only).
Grind & Brew mode selected.
Pre-ground coee mode selected.
The machine needs cleaning. Use the self clean function.
Your coee maker has two operating modes.
This mode uses fresh coee beans to make the coee.
This mode uses pre-ground coee added directly to the lter to make the coee.
The quality and avour of your coee is determined by the type of beans, the grind size and the brewing time. We recommend experimenting with the
grind size and coee strength button until you nd the settings that work best for you.
1. To select Grind & Brew mode, press the
button until the
icon shows on the display.
2. Fill the reservoir with the required amount of water. Note that during the brewing cycle, ALL of water you put in the reservoir will be used.
3. Open the lter compartment and place a #4 paper lter into the lter holder. Close the compartment.
4. Open the coee bean hopper lid and ll it with fresh coee beans. Don’t overll the hopper so that you can’t ret the lid. The lid seal will help to
keep the coee beans fresh between uses.
5. Turn the grind control to the required setting (l ne,
medium and l coarse).
6. Press the
button to select the number of cups you are brewing. The setting you choose will depend on how much water you have added to the
reservoir. For example, if you have lled the reservoir to the 6 cups mark, set the number of cups to 6 as well. The default setting is 8.
7. Select the desired coee strength using the
button. The default setting is
8. Press the + button to start brewing. After a short time, the grinder will operate and the light around the button will ash while the coee is brewing.
9. Once the coee is brewed, the light will stop ashing.
1. To select pre-ground coee mode, press the
button until the
icon shows on the display.
2. Fill the reservoir with the required amount of water. Note that during the brewing cycle, ALL of water you put in the reservoir will be used.
3. Open the lter compartment and place a #4 paper lter into the lter holder.
4. For each large cup, add 6g of ground lter coee to the lter.
The amount of ground coee you add will depend on how much water you have
added to the reservoir. For example, if you have lled the reservoir to the 6 cups mark, add 6 measures of ground coee.
5. Close the lter compartment.
6. Select the desired coee strength using the
button. The default setting is OFF. Setting coee strength to ON will give a stronger brew by
slowing down the rate that water passes through the pre-ground coee.
7. Press the + button to start brewing. After a short time, the light around the button will ash while the coee is brewing.
8. Once the coee is brewed, the light will stop ashing.
DER Fehlercode CLE leuchtet auf und ich kann keinen Kaffe mehr mahlen. Haeb etwas über Reinigungstaste gelesen. Wo ist die? Was muss ich tun? Danke für eure Hilfe
Eingereicht am 4-8-202310:17
Die Maschine zeigt als Fehlermeldung CLE an. Sie mahlt nicht und ich bin am verzweifeln,da ich auch eine BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG nicht runter geladen bekomme. Bitte um Hilfe und Rat.
Mit was kann ich die Kaffeekanne reinigen, ich habe eine 25620-56 . Ich weiß nicht aus was die Innenbeschichtung ist. Vielen Dank im Vorraus. Harald Pickart
Eingereicht am 15-4-202214:52
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