2.4 Using the VLC player
This camera supports RTSP streaming, here you can view the camera using VLC player.
RTSP URL rtsp:// [user name][:password]@IP: port number/videosream
The part in the square brackets may be omitted.
user name & password: The user name and password to access the camera. This part can be omitted.
IP: WAN or LAN IP address.
port number: If there is the RSTP port number on the Port page, you must only use RTSP port number.
otherwise, you must only use HTTP port number.
Videostream: Here support three mode: videoMain, videoSub and audio. When the network speed is bad, here
you had better select videoSub. If you select audio, you can only hear the sound but cannot see the video.
For example:
HTTP Port number: 88
User name: admin