Pos: 15.4 /Innenteil/Vor der Ersten Inbetriebnahme/Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise Accumäher + Text DLG @ 46\mod_1476782330602_1521.docx @ 521838 @ @ 1
Check all screw connections for a tight fit. Tighten the screws if necessary. Attachment
of the cutter bar must be checked in particular (refer here to the chapter "Cutter bar
The blade attachment screw must always be tightened by an authorised workshop. If
the blade screw is too tight or too loose, the blade coupling and cutter bar can become
damaged or loose which can lead to serious injuries.
The lawn mower is equipped with a motor stop device.
Before using the equipment for the first time, make sure that the motor stop safety
control bar is working perfectly. When the control bar is released, the motor and cutter
bar must come to a standstill within three seconds.
After release, the bar must always return to the position shown in the "component
description" diagram.
If this is not the case, it must be checked immediately by an authorised workshop.
Risk of injury!
If the blade run-on time is longer, stop using the tool and take it to an authorised
Measuring run-on time
After the motor has been started, the blade rotates and a wind-like noise can be heard.
The run-on time corresponds to the duration of the wind-like noise after the motor has
been stopped, it can be measured using a stopwatch.
Pos: 15.5 /Innenteil/Vor der Ersten Inbetriebnahme/Sicherheits- und Schutzeinrichtungen ... dürfen nicht manipuliert oder deaktiviert werden!_dl_text @ 38\mod_1437988093850_1521.docx @ 402470 @ @ 1
Machine safety and protective devices must not be manipulated or disabled!
Pos: 15.6 /Innenteil/Vor der Ersten Inbetriebnahme/Darauf achten ... Schutzeinrichtungen ordnungsgemäß angebracht und nicht beschädigt sind! @ 37\mod_1436249863921_1521.docx @ 400691 @ @ 1
Make sure that all protective devices have been attached properly and are not
Pos: 15.7 /Innenteil/Vor der Ersten Inbetriebnahme/1.1 Batterie laden @ 40\mod_1444291278495_1521.docx @ 425660 @ 2 @ 1
Charging the battery
Pos: 15.8 /Innenteil/Vor der Ersten Inbetriebnahme/Batterie laden Hinweis @ 40\mod_1444300818599_1521.docx @ 425828 @ @ 1
All the safety instructions for handling, long- or short-term storage,
transport, disposal of the lithium-ion battery as well as first-aid
measures, fire-fighting measures and the emergency number can be
found on the “Data sheet for product safety / manual for lithium-ion
Pos: 15.9 /Innenteil/Vor der Ersten Inbetriebnahme/1.1 Wann wird die Batterie geladen @ 40\mod_1444291515400_1521.docx @ 425688 @ 2 @ 1
When is the battery charged
Pos: 15.10 /Innenteil/Vor der Ersten Inbetriebnahme/Wann wird die Batterie geladen Text Accumäher @ 46\mod_1476782702793_1521.docx @ 521865 @ @ 1
Before initial use
– The lithium ion battery has been partly charged before delivery. Charge the battery
fully before it is used for the first time in order to guarantee full battery
– For information about charging the battery see the section “How is the battery
(Figure W1 + T4 )”
When required
– In order to check the available charge, press the battery status display button (see
the section “Battery status display, Figure U4 ”) and charge the battery
– The battery can be charged at any time.
– Interrupting the charging process does not damage the battery.
When not used for a longer time
– If the battery is not used for a long time, it must be charged for 2 hours every two
Pos: 15.11 /Innenteil/Vor der Ersten Inbetriebnahme/1.1 Wie wird die Batterie geladen (Abbildung W1 + T4 ) @ 40\mod_1444291658298_1521.docx @ 425716 @ 2 @ 1
How is the battery charged (Illustration W1 + T4 )
Pos: 15.12 /Innenteil/Vor der Ersten Inbetriebnahme/Batterieladegerät Hinweis Accumäher @ 46\mod_1476783701406_1521.docx @ 521892 @ @ 1
Use the charger supplied only for charging the battery belonging to
the lawn mower. Equally, do not try to charge your battery using a
different charger. You could endanger yourself or damage your
Only use the lawn mower with the designated battery.
Incorrect use of the battery and charger can lead to electric shock or
For safety reasons and to avoid damage to the charger and battery,
the charger may only be used indoors and in dry rooms. Do not
expose the battery or charger to rain or humidity.
The battery must not be charged in direct sunlight.
The charger must not be used in a potentially explosive environment.
When removing the charger, do not pull on the cable, pull on the
plug, since otherwise the plug or cable could become damaged.
The charger must not be used if the plug or cable are damaged. The
connection cable can be replaced. The cable must be replaced at
once if it is damaged.
Do not use the charger if it has been subject to heavy impact, been
dropped or damaged in any other way. If the charger is damaged, it
must be replaced immediately (see original spare parts and
accessories for order no. of the charger). It cannot be repaired.
Do not dismantle the charger and do not try to repair it.
To avoid electric shocks make sure no water gets into the plug.
Remove the charger plug from the socket before cleaning.
Do not short-circuit the equipment. Never insert anything into the
battery contacts.
Keep the ventilation slots of the charger clear. Do not set the charger
down on anything soft e.g. blanket, cushion.
Disconnect the charger and store it in a cool, dry place if it is not
needed. Corrosion can occur on the terminals and electrical contents
if the charger is stored in humid areas.
Check contacts on charger, battery and tool for damage and
corrosion. Clean properly if necessary.
The charger must not be used by persons (including children) with
impaired physical or metal abilities or reduced perception, unless
they have been instructed on how to use the tool by a person who is
responsible for their safety.
Children must be supervised so that they cannot play with the
Pos: 15.13 /Innenteil/Vor der Ersten Inbetriebnahme/Batterie laden Text Accumäher @ 46\mod_1476784738189_1521.docx @ 521919 @ @ 1
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