Adjustment of the blade brake Bowden cable
Pos: 25.40 /In nenteil/Pflege und Wartung de s Mähers/Nachs tellen des Messer -Brems-Bowde nzuges Text @ 2 0\mod_135038 1470568_1521.docx @ 158444 @ @ 1
The blade-brake throttle cable must be adjusted at least once per mowing season by an
authorised workshop.
Correct adjustment of the throttle cable guarantees the most important saf ety functions
of the control bar. As soon as the control bar is released, the cutter bar must come to a
standstill within three seconds.
Pos: 26.1 /---- ------ 1 Leerze ile ---------- @ 0\mod_111461 1787140_1521. docx @ 2070 @ @ 1
Pos: 26.2 /Inne nteil/Wartung des Motors/1 W ARTUNG DES MO TORS @ 0\mod_ 111536797645 3_1521.docx @ 1864 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 26.3 /Inne nteil/Sicherhei tshinweise/Sicher heitshinweis: L esen, Messer, Ste in, Explosion, B enzin, Heiss, Zündkerze, Han dschuhe @ 4\mo d_11591697963 58_1521.docx @ 20793 @ @ 1
Safety instruction!
See table for explanation of symbols
page 3
Pos: 26.4 /Inne nteil/Wartung des Motors/Motor abgase Hinwe is @ 4\mod_1159 167170397_152 1.docx @ 20753 @ @ 1
Avoid injury! Engine exhaust fumes cont ain carbon monoxide and can cause
serious illness or death.
Do not run an engine in an enclosed area, such as a gar age, even with doors and
windows open.
Move the machine to an outside area before starting the engine.
Pos: 26.5 /Innenteil/Wartun g des Motors/Allgemeiner Hin weis mit Kraftstoffhahn vorne hochkippen, Auspuffseite (m it Auswurfklappe) @ 32\ mod_14061052 76489_1521.docx @ 236833 @ @ 1
For cleaning and maintenance work, always cl ose the petrol tap A , tilt the
mower forwards O (spark plug facing upwards). If it should become necessary
to place the mower on its side, then place it on the exhaust side, never on the
carburetor side, as other wise start-up problems could occur.
When tilting the mower forwards make sure the ejection flap does not get
damaged. Sec ure the mower in its raise d position!
Pos: 26.6 /Inne nteil/Wartun g des Motors/Wa rtung des Motor s Text hochki ppen + auf die Se ite legen @ 1 3\mod_128023271 6232_1521.docx @ 110201 @ @ 1
When tilting or placi ng the mower on its side, ensure that no oil or fuel comes out
of the machine. Fire hazard!
The regular implementation of the prescribed maintenance and care work are the
prerequisite for a permanent and fault-free functi onality of the motor and also the basic
requirement for any guarantee claims.
The motor should be kept clean, particularly on the outside, and the silencer and
cylinder area must always be kept free from foreign bodies (e.g. grass residue). The
exhaust and motor reach very high temperatures when in use. Flammable foreign
bodies such as foliage, grass etc. may catch fi re.
Perfect cooling can also only ensured when cylinder ribs are always clean.
Never use a pressure cleaner or or dinary water jet to clean the motor. Damages
or expensive repairs can be the consequence of such action.
Pos: 26.7 /Inne nteil/Wartung des Motors/1.1 Ö lwechsel @ 0\ mod_111536858 3406_1521.doc x @ 1867 @ 2 @ 1
Oil change
Pos: 26.8 /Inne nteil/Wartung des Motors/Öl wechsel Hinweis @ 6\mod_11997 93171487_152 1.docx @ 43497 @ @ 1
For environmental reasons, we r ecommend that the oil change is perfor med by
an authorised workshop.
Pos: 26.9 /Inne nteil/Wartung des Motors/Ölwe chsel Gerät k ippen Text SUB ARU @ 33\mod_14 08525634967_ 1521.docx @ 24 1371 @ @ 1
The first oil change in a new engine is required after approx. 20 oper ating hours. Later,
it should be done every 50 operating hours or at least once per mowing season.
– Before the engine or the equipment is tilted to drain oil, empty the petrol tank and
let the engine to run until it stops due to lack of fuel.
– Stop the engine and remove the spark plug connector.
– Renew the oil so long as the engine is hot.
– To replace the oil, remove the dipstick from the oil filler neck and set the mower on
its side so that the used oil can drain into a container.
Do not drain used oil into the sewage system or soil; dispose of it according
to the local regulations.
– Position the mower straight and fill brand-name oil into the spout (for quantity and
quality, see technical data). Insert the dipstick but do not screw it tight, check t he
oil level (see chapter Filling oil , illustration Y1 )! If the oil level is correc t, insert the
dipstick again and tighten it.
Pos: 26.10 /In nenteil/Wartung des Motors/1.1 Reinigen bzw. Austausch des L uftfilters (A bbildung W ) @ 0\mod_111536915 3171_1521.do cx @ 1868 @ 2 @ 1
Cleaning and replacing the air filter (Illustration W )
Pos: 26.11 /In nenteil/Wartung des Motors/L uftfilter Hinwe is @ 10\mod_1251 358025635_15 21.docx @ 8969 0 @ @ 1
Never let the engine start or run whilst the air filter is removed.
Pos: 26.12 /In nenteil/Wartung des Motors/Rei nigen bzw. Aus tausch des Luf tfilters Text M otor SUBARU @ 43\mod_14667 61751098_1521.docx @ 501076 @ @ 1
– Open the cover (1), pull down and out and remove.
– Remove the paper filter insert (2) and pre-filt er (3). To remove the pre-filter from
the cover, remove the grid (4) first.
– Clean the paper filter insert every 50 operat ing hours
Knock gently onto a smooth surface if soiled lightly. Replace if heavily soiled or
damaged. Do not wash out paper filters, nor blow them out with compressed air or
grease them.
– Clean the pre-filter every 50 operating hours.
Wash pre-filters in hot water with liquid detergent, rinse them out in clean water,
press out excess water and allow to dry thoroughly in air. Do not lubricate the pre-
filter with oil .
– After cleaning or replacement, insert the filter element into the air filter plate, insert
the pre-filter in the cover and fix in place with the grid.
– Insert the hooks (5) on the cover (1) into the seat (6) at the bottom in the air filter
– Tilt the cover upwards and close with care.
In the case of unfavourable operation conditi ons (severe formation of dust), cleaning is
required after every mowing process. Replace t he paper filter element and pre-filter
annually or every 100 operation hours.
(Please see original spare parts and accessories for order no. of filter element)
Pos: 26.13 /In nenteil/Wartu ng des Motors/1. 1 Kontrolle der Zündkerze (Ab bildung Y ) @ 0\mod_111536 9306250_1521. docx @ 1865 @ 2 @ 1
Checking the spark plug (Illustr ation Y )
Pos: 26.14 /In nenteil/Wartung des Motors/Ko ntrolle der Zü ndkerze Text 0,6 -0,7mm @ 23\ mod_137207155 2316_1521.do cx @ 176079 @ @ 1
To check for wear, remove the spark plug connector and unscrew the spark plug. If the
electrode is badly worn the spark plug must be replaced as a matter of course. (Order
no. see original spare parts list and accessories).
Otherwise it is sufficient to clean the spark plug and set the elect rode gap to 0.6-0.7
mm. Screw the spark plug (pay attention to sealing ring) into the engine by hand and
tighten using the socket wrench. Press on spark plug connect or. Replace the spark plug
Pos: 26.15 /Innenteil/Wartung des Motors/1.1 Vorschriftsmäßiges „Überwintern“ des Motors (oder längerer Nichtgebrauch) @ 0\mod_11153694294 37_1521.docx @ 1869 @ 2 @ 1
Correct winter storage of the engine (or when not used for a long period
of time)
Pos: 26.16 /In nenteil/Wartung des Motors/Vor schriftsmäßi ges „Überwinter n“ des Motors Ger ät kippen Tex t @ 0\mod_11 15369463687_1 521.docx @ 1878 @ @ 1
– Empty the petrol tank or allow the engine to run until it stops due to lack of fuel.
– Switch off engine and disconnect spark plug cable.
– Drain off the oil while the engine is still warm. Fill with fresh oil (for quantity and
type, see technical data).
– Clean grass and chaff from cylinder and cylinder head fins and around muffler.
– Always keep the machine in a clean condition in a closed, dry room out of reach of
Pos: 27.1 /---- ------ 1 Leerze ile ---------- @ 0\mod_111461 1787140_1521. docx @ 2070 @ @ 1