40-SPIRIT (SA1733)
Pos: 15.8 /Inne nteil/Starte n des Motors /Starten de s Motors Text S AU11379H, SAU12178 ( SA1438, SA143 9) @ 29\mod _13934162748 30_1521. docx @ 228409 @ @ 1
– Push and hold the safety control bar (2) on the top tube (3) D .
– Slowly pull the starter cable (4) until resistance is felt, then rapidly pull it out E –
the engine begins to run, slowly recoil the cable.
Pos: 15.9 /Inne nteil/Starte n des Motors /Hinweis: be i optimaler ma x. Drehzahl (fix speed) @ 12\mod_12 5777828182 8_1521.docx @ 98683 @ @ 1
The engine runs with optimum power at maximum speed, which is required for a clean
cutting pattern (engine speed = blade speed).
Pos: 15.10 /In nenteil/Besc hreibung der Bauteile/40- SPIRIT (SA1 333), R40 (S A1308) @ 45\ mod_1470736 771854_0.doc x @ 514299 @ @ 1
40-SPIRIT (SA1333), R40 (SA1308)
Pos: 15.11 /In nenteil/Starte n des Motor s/Starten des M otors Text SAU13340 @ 3 4\mod_1412 933360251_15 21.docx @ 248666 @ @ 1
– Press the primer – pump* (1) three to five times up to the limit (also if the engine
has stopped because of lack of fuel, refill the f uel and press the primer three to
five times) B .
Initial pumping is normally unnecessary when a hot engine is restarted. However, in
cold weather it can be necessary to initially pump the fuel.
– Push and hold the safety control bar (2) on the top tube (3) D .
– Slowly pull the starter cable (4) until resistance is felt, then pull out quickly E , –
the engine begins to run, slowly recoils the station.
– If the engine does not start after 3 pulls, press the primer three to five times and
then pull the starter cable again.
*is located on the left-hand side of the engine (in direction of movement)
Pos: 15.12 /In nenteil/Starte n des Motor s/Hinweis: be i optimaler max. Drehzah l (fix speed) @ 12\mod_1 257778281828_ 1521.docx @ 98683 @ @ 1
The engine runs with optimum power at maximum speed, which is required for a clean
cutting pattern (engine speed = blade speed).
Pos: 15.13 /In nenteil/Besc hreibung der Bauteile/Al le Modelle_d l_text_bold_ 8 @ 33\mod_14 0921292094 7_1521.doc x @ 245827 @ @ 1
All models
Pos: 16.1 /---- ------ 1 Leerz eile ------ ---- @ 0\mod_1 114611787 140_1521.docx @ 2070 @ @ 1
Pos: 16.2 /Inne nteil/Abste llen des Mo tors/1 ABSTEL LEN DES MOT ORS (Abbildu ng F ) Benz in @ 5\mod_116 9129514667 _1521.doc x @ 31705 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 16.3 /Inne nteil/Abstel len des Moto rs/Abstelle n des Motors Tex t JS63, 40e r @ 3\mod_1 1588331653 66_1521.docx @ 20393 @ @ 1
– Release the safety control bracket.
Pos: 16.4 /---- ------ 1 Leerz eile ------ ---- @ 0\mod_1 114611787 140_1521.docx @ 2070 @ @ 1
Pos: 16.5 /Inne nteil/Abste llen des Moto rs/1 ANHALT EN IM NOTFAL L @ 5\mod_11 8355632881 7_1521.doc x @ 36114 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 16.6 /Inne nteil/Abste llen des Moto rs/Anhalten im Notfall T ext o.A. Benzi n @ 5\mod_1 1835567951 03_1521.docx @ 36166 @ @ 1
Release the safety control lever.
– The blade will stop.
– The engine will stop.
Pos: 16.7 /Inne nteil/Abste llen des Mo tors/Anhalten im Notfall Hi nweis JS63, Benzin o.A. @ 26\mod_13 7718203231 0_1521.do cx @ 192800 @ @ 1
Before every mowing job, make sure that the safety control bar for the engine
brake is working perfectly.
– when the safety control bar is released, the engine and cutter bar must come
to a standstill wit hin three seconds.
If this is not the case, please consult your nearest authorised workshop.
Pos: 17.1 /---- ------ 1 Leerz eile ------ ---- @ 0\mod_1 114611787 140_1521.docx @ 2070 @ @ 1
Pos: 17.2 /Inne nteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtu ng/1 GRASFANG EINRICHT UNG @ 0\mo d_11153600863 75_1521.docx @ 1789 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 17.3 /Inne nteil/Siche rheitshinwei se/Sicherhe itshinweis : Messer, Stein, MotorStop @ 0\mod_111 5360241546 _1521.docx @ 1536 @ @ 1
Safety instruction!
See table for explanation of symbols page 3
Pos: 17.4 /Inne nteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtu ng/1.1 Betrie b mit Grasfan gsack @ 0\mo d_111536055 2250_1521. docx @ 1790 @ 2 @ 1
Operation with grass collector
Pos: 17.5 /Inne nteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtu ng/Betrieb mit Grasfangsa ck Text 43er, 47er @ 0\mo d_1125908544 003_1521. docx @ 1798 @ @ 1
While mowing, ensure that the collector is emptied in good time. The turbo signal on the
collector will indicate when the collector should be emptied.
Pos: 17.6 /Inne nteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtu ng/Betrieb mit Grasfangsa ck Hinweis 32 er, 36er, 40e r Elektro @ 3\mod_1157 376302287_ 1521.docx @ 18763 @ @ 1
Make sure that the chute (1) S1 is not bent when handling the collector.
Pos: 17.7 /Inne nteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtung /1.1 TurboSigna l (Füll-Anzei ge des Grasfan gsacks) (Abbil dung J + K) @ 0\mod_112590 8385641_15 21.docx @ 1 796 @ 2 @ 1
Turbo signal (shows when th e grass collector is f ull)
(Illustration J + K )
Pos: 17.8 /Inne nteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtu ng/Turbo Si gnal Text @ 1 \mod_1132230 723035_152 1.docx @ 556 7 @ @ 1
There is an indicator on the top of the collector that shows whether the collect or is
empty or full:
– The collector indicator inflates if the collector is empty and during the mowing J .
– If the collector is full, the indicator collapses; once this happens, st op mowing
immediately and empty the collector K .
Pos: 17.9 /Inne nteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtu ng/Turbo Si gnal Hinweis1 @ 0\mod_111 5360987468 _1521.docx @ 1803 @ @ 1
If the fabric of the grass collector is very dirty the turbo indicator wil l not inflate –
in this case, clean the fabric immediately. The grass collector will only coll ect
grass perfectly if it is permeable to air.
Pos: 17.10 /In nenteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtu ng/Fangsack re inigen @ 0\ mod_111536 1049609_15 21.docx @ 1804 @ @ 1
Do not clean the grass collector with hot water!
Pos: 17.11 /In nenteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtu ng/1.1 Entlee ren des Grasfa ngsacks (A bbildung L) @ 0\mod_112590 8294476_15 21.docx @ 17 94 @ 2 @ 1
Emptying the grass co llector (Illustration L )
Pos: 17.12 /In nenteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtu ng/Entleeren des Grasfan gsacks Text 4 0er @ 4\mod_1 1599557354 55_1521.docx @ 21573 @ @ 1
– Switch off engine.
– Lift ejection flap.
– Unhinge the full grass collector from the mower at the carrying strap – the ejection
flap closes automatically.
– Empty the collector thoroughly whilst holding it by the carrying strap and on the
Pos: 17.13 /In nenteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtu ng/1.1 Betrie b ohne Grasfa ngsack @ 0\ mod_1115361 420062_152 1.docx @ 179 1 @ 2 @ 1
Operation without grass collector
Pos: 17.14 /In nenteil/Grasfa ngeinrichtu ng/Betrieb o hne Grasfan gsack Hinwe is @ 0\mod_111 536144264 0_1521.docx @ 1800 @ @ 1
When mowing without grass collector the ejection flap on the mower housing
must always be closed (flap down).
Pos: 18.1 /---- ------ 1 Leerz eile ------ ---- @ 0\mod_1 114611787 140_1521.docx @ 2070 @ @ 1
Pos: 18.2 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/1 MÄH BETRIEB @ 0 \mod_1115358 011109_152 1.docx @ 17 69 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 18.3 /Inne nteil/Sicherhe itshinweise/ Sicherheitshi nweis: Lesen, M esser, Ste in, Abstand, Mo torStop @ 0\ mod_11153 58236734_1521.docx @ 1531 @ @ 1
Safety instruction!
See table for explanation of symbols page 3
Pos: 18.4 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/1.1 Mä hen an Han glagen @ 0\mo d_1115358 422453_152 1.docx @ 1771 @ 2 @ 1
Mowing on slopes
Pos: 18.5 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/Mähe n an Hangla gen Sicherhei tshinweis 25° Benzin @ 38\mod_14399 83053439_1 521.docx @ 4 10856 @ @ 1
The mower can be used on banks and slopes with a gr adient of up to 46% (25°
angle). Any steeper slopes can lead to engine damage.
For safety reasons, however, we urgently recommend you do not exploit this
theoretical performance potential. Always make sure you have a fir m stance.
Manually guided lawnmowers should never be used for slopes with a gradient in
excess of 26% (15° angle of slope). Stability may be lost !
Pos: 18.6 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/1.1 Ö lstandkontro lle @ 0\mod_ 111535865485 9_1521.doc x @ 1772 @ 2 @ 1
Checking the oil level
Pos: 18.7 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/Ölstan dkontrolle Mä her Text @ 0 \mod_1115 358693671_ 1521.docx @ 1779 @ @ 1
Check oil level each time prior to mowing Y1 . Never let the engine to run with too little
or too much oil. Irreparable damages could occur.
Pos: 18.8 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/1.1 Pr üfung der Betr iebssicher heit @ 0\mod _111535876 6390_1521. docx @ 1773 @ 2 @ 1
Checking operating saf ety
Pos: 18.9 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/Prüfu ng der Betrie bssicherhei t Text Benzi n o.A. + Text DL G @ 37\mod _143625808 1976_1521. docx @ 401307 @ @ 1
The lawnmower is equipped with a motor stop device.
Before every mowing job, make sure that the motor stop safety cont rol bar is working
perfectly. When the control bar is released, the motor and cutter bar must come to a
standstill within three seconds.
After release, the bar must always return to the position shown in the "component
description" diagram.
If this is not the case, it must be checked immediately by an aut horised workshop.
Risk of injury!
If the blade run-on time is longer, stop using the equipment and take it to an authorised
Measuring run-on time
After the engine has been started, the blade rotates and a wind-like noise can be heard.
The run-on time corresponds to the duration of the wind-like noise after the engine has
been stopped, it can be measured using a stopwatch.
Machine safety and protective devices must not be manipulated or disabled.
Make sure that all protective devices have been attached properly and are not
To avoid risk, check the condition and firm at tachment of the blade before every
mowing job. The blade attachment screw must always be ti ghtened by an authorised
workshop. If the blade screw is too tight or too loose, the blade coupling and cutt er bar
can become damaged or loose which can lead to serious injuries. A worn or damaged
blade must always be replaced. (Refer here to the chapter "Cutter blade care").
In addition, check the fan, blade coupling and fan housing eve ry 10 operating hours for
wear and a tight fit. Also check equipment screws and nuts for a f irm fit and tighten if
Make sure the spark plug connector is fitted tightly. Contact is only dangerous if the
plug connector has not been installed correctly. Never pull the plug connector off with
the engine running. Danger: electric shock.
If the mower mechanism becomes blocked e.g. by colliding with an obstacle, have an
authorised workshop check whether any parts of the mower are damaged or deformed.
Always have any necessary repairs done by an authorised workshop t oo.
If the machine starts to vibrate unusually heavily or to make unusual noises, please
have it checked immediately by an authorised workshop.
Pos: 18.10 / Innenteil/Mäh betrieb/1.1 Z eitliche Ei nschränkun gen @ 0\mod_ 111535891000 0_1521.doc x @ 1775 @ 2 @ 1