Recommendations and safety instructions
Do not install your telephone in a damp envi ronment, such as a bath room,
washroom, kitchen etc, and not wit hin 1.50 metres of a source of water or
outside. This device is designed f or use in temperatures of bet ween 5 °C
and 35 °C.
Do not attempt to remove screws or open the appliance. It does not contai n
any user-replaceable parts.
This device is designed to be us ed for connecting to the public telephone
network. If problems should ar ise, contact your neare st specialist dealer .
Only use the telephone cable suppli ed.
In regions greatly affected by electrical storms we recommend that you
protect your telephone circui t with a special fixture f or excess voltage.
Your C96 has anti-skid pads that should leave no traces on your furniture
and ensure stability. However, given t he the wide variety of finishes used by
furniture manufacturers , traces may appear on surfaces in contact with the
parts of your C96. Sagemcom Broadband SAS decline all responsibili ty in
any such cases of damage.
- Modifications made without the written approval of Sa gemcom.
- Unsuitable operating conditions, particul arly of temperature and humidit y.
- Repair or maintenance of the equipment by persons not aut horized by
Wear and t ear from normal daily use of the equipment and its accessories
Damage due to insufficient or bad packaging of equipment when returned to
Usage of new versions of sof tware without previ ous approval of Sagemcom
Work on any equi pment or software modifi ed or added without the prior writt en
consent of Sagemcom
Malfunctions not resul ting from the Equipment or from sof tware installed in user
workstations for the purpose of use of the equipment.
Communication problems related to an unsuitable env ironment including :
- Problems related to access and/or connection to th e Internet such as
interruptions by access n etworks or malfunction o f the line used by the
subscriber or his correspondent
- Transmission faults (for example poor geogra phical coverage by radio
transmitters, int erference or poor line qualit y)
- The local network fault (wiring, servers, wor kstations) or the failure of t he
transmission network (such as but not limited to inter ferences, fault or poor
quality of the network)
- Modification of the parameters of the cellular network car ried out after the sale
of the Product.
The normal ser vicing (as defined in the user guide supplied with th e equipment)
as well as malfunctioning due to s ervicing not being car ried out. Servicing
costs are in any ev ent always borne by the customer .
Malfunctions resulti ng from the usage of products, consumables or accessori es
not compatibles with the equipment.
C) Out of Wa rranty Rep airs
In the cases set forth in B) as well as aft er expiry of the warranty peri od, the customer
must ask the Authorized Sagemcom Repair C entre for a cost estimation.
The repair and delivery cost s will be invoiced to the custo mer.
The foregoing shall apply unless otherwise agreed in writing with the custo mer and
only for the United Kin gdom.
By cons ulting the web si te: wwww.sagemcomdi gital.co.uk you will find all the
information you need to r equest a warranty.
T erms and Conditions for other countries
If, despite our best effort s, your product presents any defects , you should refer to
your retailer an d present the proof of purchase that they gave you on the day of
Should any malfunctionin g arise, the retailer will advi se you what to do.
For the warranty to apply, you should ensure that th e product was used in
accordance with the instruct ions for use and the purpose for use, and that you have
at your disposal the sales invoice or receipt stating th e date of purchase, the name
of the retailer, the r eference and the serial number of the product .
No coverage shall be given under this warranty if t he following conditions are
The required documents hav e been modified or altered in order to tak e
advantage of the warranty .
The manufacturing numbers, product br ands or labels have been al tered or
made illegibl e.
Interventions on the product hav e been made b y an unauthorized person.
The product has been subjected to abnormal or improper use.
The product h as been damage d by external fac tors such as ligh tning, over-voltage,
moisture, acciden tal damage, improper ca re as well as all Acts of God.
This present warranty does not affect the co nsumer rights that y ou may have under
the laws in effect in your country.
Should you return the pro duct to the after-sales department , please ensure that you
return as well all the elements an d accessories originally supplied with the product.
Warran ty
T erms and Conditions for United Kingdom only
In order to supply the warranty, you sho uld contact your deal er or Sagemcom
Helpdesk. The proof of purchase wil l be required.
Please make usage of your equipment for the purpose f or which it was designed and
under normal usage conditions. Sagemcom do not accept any li ability for any usage
made out of the frame of its original designed purpose and any consequence that
may arise from this usage.
Should any malfunctioning ari se, the dealer or Sagemcom Helpdesk will advise you
what to do.
A) General Warranty con ditions
Sagemcom undertakes to remedy by repai r or exchange at its own c onvenience, free
of charge for labour and replacement parts, any defects in the equipment during the
warranty period of 12 -twelve- months (3 -three- months for accessories), from t he
date of original invoic e of the Equipment, where those defect s are a result of faulty
Unless the customer h as concluded with Sagemcom a maintenance contract i n
respect of the equipment which specifically provi des for repairs to be carri ed out at
the customer's premises, t he repairs will not be carried out on the equipment at the
customer premises. The customer must however return the defect ive equipment at
his/her own expense, to the address giv en by the dealer or Sagemcom Helpdesk.
In case a product needs to be sent i n for a repair, it always has to be accompanied
by a proof of purchase (which i s not altered, written on o r in any way be made
illegible) showing that the product is s till under warranty. In case no proof of
purchase is enclosed, t he Sagemcom repair center wil l use the production dat e as a
reference of establishing t he warranty status of the product.
Apart from all legal obligato ry rules, Sagemcom, do not gi ve any Warranty, e ither
implicit or explicit which is not set force i n the present section, an d could not be hold
responsible for any direct or indirect, material or immate rial damage, in or out of the
frame of the present warranty .
If any provision of t his warranty shall be held to be in who le or in part invalid or i llegal
due to an obligatory ru le applicable to consumers pursuant to their nat ional
legislation, such inv alidity or illegality sh all not impair or affect the remain ing
provisions or parts of thi s warranty.
This warranty does not aff ect the Customer statut ory rights.
B) Exclus ions From Warr anty
Sagemcom shall have no liability u nder the warranty in respect of :
Damage, defects , breakdown or malfun ction due to one or more o f the following:
- Failure to properly follow the install ation process and instructions for use
- An external cause to the equipment (including but not limit ed to: lightening,
fire, shock, vandalism, inappropr iate conditions of electrical net work or water
damage of any nature)
Envir onmen t
Preservation of the environment is an ess ential concern of Sagemc om. The desire of
Sagemcom is to operate systems observ ing the environment and consequentl y it has
decided to integrate envi ronmental performances i n the life cycle of its products,
from manufacturing to commis sioning, use and eliminati on.
Packa gi n g
The product
In this way you can participate in the re-use and u pgrading of Electrical and
Electronic Equipment Waste, which can have an effect on the enviro nment and
human health.
The presence of the logo (green dot) means that a contribut ion is paid to
an approved national organisation to improve packaging recovery and
recycling infrastru ctures.
To facilitate recy cling, please respect the s orting rules set up locally for
this kind of waste
The crossed-out waste bin stuc k on the product or its accessories means
that the product belongs to the family of electrical and electr onic
In this respect, the Eur opean regulations ask you to dis pose of it
selectively :
At sales points in the event of the purchase of similar equipment.
At the collection points made avail able to you locally (drop-off cent re,
selective collection, etc.).
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