Modify the remote enquiry code
With the enquiry code you can make remote access to y our answer machine messages secure
from another tel ephone.
To secure the remote access t o your answering machine, it is strongly
recommended to change the remote access code.
1. Go to the menu "ANS. MACHINE "Æ " tam settings " Æ " change pin ".
2. Enter the remote enquiry code (0000 by d efault) using the keys on the keypad.
3. Enter the new remote enquiry code, press
4. Enter the new remote e nquiry code a second time, press
to confirm deletion.
A confirmation beep is issued.
Message compression
With this function, you can choose the compr ession level of messages recorded by your answer
- A low compression level will re duce the answer machine capacity but will give better s ound
quality to recorded messages.
- A high compression level will increase the answ er machine capacity but will give a poorer
sound quality to recorded messages.
1. Go to the menu "ANS. MACHINE "Æ " tam settings " Æ " compression ".
2. Choose the desired compressi on level (high , Medium or Low ) using keys
or .
3. Press
key to confirm your select ion. You will hear a confirmation tone.
Answer machine memory capacity
Compression C apacity Recording quality
15 min Standard quality
10 min Medium quality
5 min High quality
For more details, see section "MMessag e compression", page 19.
When your answering machine reaches its maximum rec ording capacity, the
answering machine switches to Answer only mode automatically.
When your answer machine reaches its maximum recording capacity, you cannot receive any
new messages. The handset displays " ta m full " and
is displayed on the base.
Choose the home screen
The default home screen is the name of your handset.
1. Go to the menu " hs settings " Æ "hs display ".
" handset name " : to display the name of the hands et and its number on th e home screen.
" time " : to display the time and the number of the handset on the home screen.
2. Choose the desired display using keys
or . Press .
Answer calls automatically
This function allows yo u to take a call by simply taking the hands et off its base.
1. Go to the menu " hs settings " Æ " auto answer ".
2. Change the sta tus using the keys or .
3. Press
Changing your voice mail number
1. Go to the menu " hs settings " Æ " mailbox ".
2. Use the key
to delete the number entered.
3. E nter the voice mail number, press
Key lock
1. Hold down the key until the handset beeps and the icon is displ ayed.
2. To unlock the ke ypad, hold down the key
until the handset beeps and the icon
Setting the time
1. Go to the menu " hs settings " Æ "Date & time " Æ " set time ".
2. Current date is displayed.
- To keep the time, press
- To change it, enter the new time in the HH : MM (24 hours format).
3. Press
Setting the date
1. Go to the menu " hs settings " Æ " Date & time " Æ " set date ".
2. A screen displays the current date.
To keep the date, press .
To change it, enter the new date in DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY format.
3. Press
If you make a mistak e while entering data, use ke ys or .
Hour format (12H/24H)
1. Go to the menu " hs settings " Æ "Date & time " Æ " time format ".
2. Change the sta tus using the keys or .
3. Press
Date format
1. Go to the menu " hs settings " Æ "Date & time " Æ " date format ".
2. Change the sta tus using the keys or . Pres s
Setting the alarm
1. Go to the menu " hs settings " Æ " alarm ".
To deactivate the alarm, select " OFF ".
To activate the al arm once, select "ON ".
2. Press
3. Enter the time at which you would like the alarm clock to sound: "HH – mm ".
4. Press
. « Snooze » (repetition) is displayed on the screen. Press .
"ON " : to activate alarm r epetition every 5 minutes .
"OFF " : to deactivate alarm repetition.
The icon
is displayed on the scr een. Your alarm is now set.
Association of other handsets with your bas e
1. Press and hold t he pairing button on the base for 5 seconds (If n o handset has been
detected within a minute the pairing mode will stop and your base return to standby).
2. Go to the menu "registration ".
3. Enter the 4 digit base master PIN code (defa ult 0000). Press
4. The screen will display the number of the hands et that has been paired with the base .
Restoring the handset / hase Default Settings
1. Go to the menu " default ".
2. Enter the base master PIN code (default 0000). Press
3. A screen displays a req uest to confirm.
4. Press
Deleting a handset
1. Go to the menu " Bs settings " Æ " delete hs ".
2. Enter the base master PIN code (default 0000). Press
3. Select the handset you want to delete using the or key then press
Modifying the dialing mode
Most telephone systems use the tone dialling mode.
You can, however, use the pulse dialling mode:
1. Go to the menu " Bs settings " Æ " Dial mode ".
2. Change the status using the keys or .
3. Press .
Flash timing
If you connect your telephone to a private aut omatic branch exchange or use it in a foreign
country, you may need to modif y the flash durati on in order to use your telephone correctly wit h
regard to the follow ing functionalities: outgoi ng 2nd call, incoming 2nd call, conference call.
Contact your administrator, who will supply the a ppropriate time period, and proceed to the new
1. Go to the menu " Bs settings " Æ " Flash time ".
2. Select the appropriate time period, press .
Modifying Base master PIN code
Your base station code (default setting 0000) is required to access certain security functi ons.
This must contai n 4 digits.
1. Go to the menu " Bs settings " Æ " change pin ".
2. Enter your old code firs t, press
3. Enter your new PIN code.
Each time a digit is entered the «--»is replaced by a «*». Press
4. Enter the new b ase code again, using the keypad. Press
5. Press
key to confirm. You will hear a confirmation tone.
Carefully note your base sta tion code. You will need it to change certain settings.
Authorise / prohibit call sh aring
With this function an other handset registered wit h the same base can join in a conversation (refer
to paragraph « Join in a conversation already tak ing place », page 11).
1. Go to the menu " Bs settings " Æ " call share ".
2. Change the sta tus using the keys or .
3. Pr ess key to confirm.
The answering machine functi on of your telephone has two operating modes:
- BBasic answering machi ne: a message indicates that you are not available. Your caller cannot
leave any messages.
- RRecording ans wering machine: a message tells your corre spondents that they can leave you
a message.
How the base display works
Display Description
There are new messages: the display flashes indicating the number of
unread messages
Answer machine activated
Answer machine deactivated
Access to the answer machine menu from the handset or by remote
Playing your personalised answer machine m essage
Playing the basic answer machine message out going message
Message being recorded: (
) display alternates with the number of new
messages (
Memory full: ( ) di splay alternates with the number of new messages
( ).
Enabling / disabling the answering machine
1. Go to the menu " ANS. MACHIN E " Æ " tam ON/OFF ".
2. Select "on " or " off " using or to activate your answering machine.
Each time you power on your base, the answering machine goes to its previous
Playing messages
If you have received new messages, the number of received messages flashes on the display on
the base and the icon
flashes on the handse t.
1. Go to the menu " ANS. MACHIN E " Æ " msg playback ".
2. Press
to play the messages. Ne w messages are read first.
3. Press
to access the various mes sage options. The list of options is displayed on t he
- ST OP: stop reading the messages.
- forward : play the following message.
- Previous: return to previous message.
- De lete: delete the current message.
4. Press the key
to quit t he menu.
5. If there are no m essages, the handset indicates " 00--00 00--00".
WWhile playing you ca n use the handset keys:
Key Action Key A ction
delete the current message
stop reading the messages
- 1 press: return to beginning
of the message.
- 2 presses: return to previo us
play the following message
Delete all old messages
1. Go to the menu " ANS. MACHINE " Æ " delete all ".
2. Press
, the massage "confirm? " is displayed.
3. Press
to confirm the deletion of all old messages.
Record a memo
With this function you can leave a personal message on your ans wer machine. Until it has been
listened to, it will be c onsidered as a new message by the answer machine.
1. Go to the menu " ANS. MACHINE " Æ " memo ".
2. Press
to record the memo. the message "recording " is displayed. You can n ow record
your memo.
3. Press
to stop the recording of the memo.
4. The massage " playing " is displayed and the memo you have just recorded is played.
Listening to a message while it is being recorded
While a caller is recording a m essage, " screening ? " is displayed on your handset screen.
Press the key
to listen to the message.
Modify the answering machine mode
1. Go to the menu "ANS. MACHINE "Æ " tam settings " Æ " ANSWER MODE ".
2. Select "ANSW & REC " or "Ans wer only " using the or
key to activa te or deactivate your
answering machine, press
. A confirmation beep is issued.
Modify the answering machine language
You can choose the la nguage of your answering machine. The messages will be played back in
the language y ou select.
1. Go to the menu "ANS. MACHINE "Æ " tam settings " Æ " tam language ".
2. In the list, choose the desired language using the or key, press
Modifying the outgoing message (OGM)
Recording a personal ou tgoing message
1. Go to the menu "ANS. MACHINE "Æ " tam settings " Æ"Ogm settings " Æ" ANS W & REC " (or "ANSWER ONLY ").
2. Select "RECORD OGM " using the or key, press
3. Record your message.
4. At the end of your message, press
A beep will confirm that y our message is now being used.
If you make a mistake while recording the message, repeat the operations described above until
you are satisfied with your message.
The recording of a new message will au tomatically replace the previous
The maximum recording duration for an message is 1120 seconds.
The recording start and end beeps are not part of yo ur message
Listening to your answer machine message
1. Go to the menu "ANS. MACHINE " "Æ "tam settings " Æ " Ogm settings " Æ"ANSW & REC " (or " ANSWER ONLY ").
2. Select "playback " using the or key, press
3. Your current answer machi ne message will be pl ayed. Your handset w ill automatically retur n
to the previous menu.
If you have not saved a personal message, the answering machine will
automatically use one of the pre-recorded messages.
Number of rings
This parameter enables you to set the number of times your telephone rings before the answering
machine answers a call. The number of rings can be set between 2 and 8.
You can also select the "time saver" mode. The " time saver " mode automatically determines the
number of rings: If there are no new messages on the answering machine, the number of ring s
will be 4, otherwise the n umber of rings will be 2.
1. Go to the menu "ANS. MACHINE "Æ " tam settings " Æ "answer d elay ".
2. In the list, selec t the desired number of rings (between 2 and 8) using the or key or the
" time saver " mode, press .
Recording time of incoming messages
Define the maximum time a caller has to leave their message.
1. Go to the menu "ANS. MACHINE "Æ "tam settings " Æ " record time ".
2. Choose the desired recording time (60s , 120s, 180s or unlimited) by using keys or ,
then press
Remote access control
This function allows you to check your v oice messages and change your answer machine
settings even when you are not at home.
Activate/deactivate rem ote access
1. Go to the menu "ANS. MACHINE "Æ "tam settings " Æ "remote acc. ".
2. Use or to select " on " or " off " setting.
3. Press
key to confirm your selection. You will hea r a confirmation tone.
Remote access control
To remotely access your answer ing machine: Dial your tele phone number and wait for the
answering machine to come on. When your outgoing message is played, pr ess # and enter your
remote access code (0000 by default).
If no key is pressed for 5 seconds, the answer machine will stop automatically.
This default remote access code is 0000, and it can be modified from the ANS.
MACHINE Æ tam settingsÆ change pin" menu (refer to the paragraph MModif y the
remote enquiry code page 19)
A beep will indicate access to t he answering machine. You ca n carry out the following operations:
Key Action Key Action
4 - 1 press: return to beginning
of the message.
- 2 presses: return to previo us
2 Delete the current messag e
5 Start playback of the
9 Switch OFF the answering machine
6 go to the next message 7 Activate the answer machine.
Stop playing the messages
Your DECT telephone must not be installed in a humid room (wash-up room,
bathroom, laundr y room, kitche n, etc.) unless it is 1.50 m away from a wate r point or
outside. Your telephone must be operated at temperatures ranging from 5°C and
Only use the supplied power adapt er, connect it to the base socket according to the
installation ins tructions provide d in this bookle t and the indica tions on the
identificati on labe l affixed to i t (volta ge, curre nt, electr ic network frequency ). As a
precaution, in case of danger, the mains adapters act as a disconnecting mechanism
for the 230V power supply. They should be placed near the device and should be
easily accessible .
This produc t is intended to be connecte d to the publi c analogic al telephone ne twork
of any British and Irish network operator. In case of a problem you must first contact
your reseller. Only use the supplied telephone cord.
For your p ersona l safety , never p lace your handset o n the base without the batt eries,
or without the battery co ver, you cou ld get an elect ric shock.
To avoid dama ging your handse t, only use certified recha rgeable AAA ba tteries NiMH
1.2 V 400 mAH, never use non rechargeable batteries. Insert the batteries in the
handset ba ttery compar tment res pecting polar ity.
At the end of their u seful life, batteries must be disposed of according to the recycling
instructions presented in this booklet.
Your DECT telephone has an inside radio range of about 50 metres and up to 300
metres in open space. The immediate presence of metal parts, (o f a television for
example), of an y electric appli ance may resu lt in range redu ction .
Some sensitive medical equipment and safety equipment may be affected by the
radio-fre quency tran smissions of yo ur telephone . In all ca ses, we as k that you resp ect
the safe ty recom mendation s.
In areas where storms are fr equent, we recommend that you protect your telephone
line usi ng a surg e protect ion devi ce.
This equipment does not function in the case of an electric network shutdown: for
emergency calls, it
is recommended to use another unit during power cuts.
To avoid any risk of explosion:
Make sure you have inserted the batteries correctly.
Use only with 1,2V 400mAh type or equivalent rechargeable batteries.
Do not dispose of the batteries in a f ire. The cell may explode.
Check with local code for possible special disposal inst ructions.
Do not burn, disassemble, mutilate or puncture. Like other batteries of this type, to xic materials co uld
be released which can cause injury.
To reduce the risk of fire or personal inju ry, use only the battery listed in the u sers guide.
Keep batteries out of the reach of children.
Remove batteries if storing over 30 days.
To keep your telephone working an d looking good, follow these guidelines:
Avoid putting the phone n ear heating appliances and devices th at generate electrical noise (for
example, motors or fluorescent lamps)
DO NOT expose to direct sunlight or moisture.
Avoid dropping and other rough treatment to the phone.
Clean with a soft cloth .
Never use a strong cleaning agent or abrasive powder because this will damage th e finish.
Retain the original packaging in case you need to ship the phone at a later date.
Changing the batteries
Make sure the telephone is OOFF before you replace batteries.
1. Remove the batteries compartment door.
2. Remove old batteries.
3. Inser t the new batte ries.
4. Put the batter ies compart ment door back on.
5. Place ha ndset in the base to c harge
Causes of poor reception:
Aluminium siding.
Foil backing on insulation.
Heating ducts and other metal construction can shield radio signals.
You are too close to appliances such as microwaves, stoves, computers, etc.
Atmosphe ric conditions , such as s trong storms.
Base installed in the basement or lower floor of the house.
Handset batteries are low.
You are out of range of the base.
Problem Solution
No display
x Make sure the batteries are properly installed and co nnected.
x Place the handset on the charger and fully charge the battery (at least 15 hours).
Handset does
not ring
x Make sure the RINGER setti ng on the hand set is progra mmed to ON.
x You may have ad ded too m any hand sets to your ph one line . Try di sconnec ting
some of your phones an d try again.
Not possible
to make a call
despite dial
x Check that your handset is with in range an d move close to the base u nit
(approximately 50 meters indoors and up to 300 meters in open space).
x Check if the base unit is plugged into a wall socket that is shared with other
househol d appl iances. Unplug other d evice a nd try a gain.
Environmental protection and sustainable development is an important priority for Sagemcom.
Sagemcom has a policy o f using environ mentally- friendly syst ems and makes envi ronmental pro tection
an essenti al part of the life-c ycle of its p roducts fr om manufac turing, to i nstallation, operation a nd
The presence of the logo (green dot) means that a contribution is paid to an approved
national organisation to improve packaging recovery and recycling infrastructures.
To facilitate recycling, please respect the sorting rules set up locally for this kind of
If your product contains batteries, they must be disposed of at appropriate collection points.
The product
The cros sed-out w aste bin s tuck on the product or its acc essorie s means tha t the
product be longs to the family of elec trical and e lectronic e quipments .
In this respect, the European regulations ask you to dispose of it selectively:
x At sales points in the event of the purchase of simila r equipment.
x At the coll ection poi nts made avai lable to yo u locally (dro p-off centre, selectiv e
collection, etc.).
In this way you can participate in the re-use and upgrading of Electrical and Electron ic Equipment
Waste, which can have an effect on the environment and human health.
In order to apply the guarantee, or for technical assistance, you should contact the Sagemcom
Helpdesk (0
0845 0900 316) or the retailer you purchased your equipment from. Please make sure that
you use your equipment o nly for the purpose for whic h it was de signed and und er normal usage
conditions. Sagemcom do not accept any liability for the equipment if used outside the frame of its
original desi gned purpo se or any con sequence th at may arise fro m this usage.
Should any malfunction arise, the Sagemcom Helpdesk or your retailer will advise you how to proceed.
A) General Guarantee conditions
Sagemcom undertakes to remedy by repair or exchange at its own conv enience, free of charge for
labour and replacement parts, any defects in the equipment during the guarant ee period of 12 (twelve)
months or 3 (three) months for accessories, from th e date of original invoice of the Equipment, where
those defects are a result of faulty workmanship.
Unless the customer has concluded with Sagemcom a maintenance contract in respect of the
equipment which specifically provides for repairs to be carried out at the customer's premises, the
repairs will not be carried out on the equipment at the customer premises .
The customer must however return the defective equipment at his/her own expense, t o the address
supplied by the Sagemcom Helpdesk or by the ret ailer. In the case that a product needs to be sent in
for a repair , it must always be accompanied by a proof of purc hase (which is not altered, written on or in
any way made illegible) showing that the produc t is still under guarante e.
In the case that no proof of purchase is enclosed, the Sagemcom repair cent re will use the production
date as its reference for establishing the guarantee status of the product. Apart from all legal obligatory
rules, Sagemcom, do not give any Guarantee, either implicit or explicit which is not set force in the
present sect ion, and can not be h eld responsib le for any di rect or ind irect, materi al or immate rial
damage, either in o r out of the frame of the present guarantee.
If any provision of this guarantee shall be held to be in whole or in part invalid or illegal due to an
obligatory r ule appli cable to c onsumers purs uant to the ir national legislati on, such inva lidity or ille gality
shall not impair or affect the remaining provisions or parts of this guarantee. This guarantee does not
affect the Customer statutory rights.
B) Exclusions From Guarantee
Sagemcom shall have no liability under the guarantee in respect of :
x Damage, defects, breakdown or malfunction due to one or more of the following:
- Failure to properly follow the installation process and instructions for use;
- An exte rnal ca use to the e quipment (i ncluding b ut not lim ited to: l ightening , fire, shoc k,
vandalism, inappropriate conditions of electrical network or water damage of any nature)
- Modifications made without th e written approval of Sagemco m
- Unsuitable operating conditions, particularly of temperature and humidity
- Repair or maintenance of the equipment by persons not authorised by Sagemcom.
x Wear and tear from normal daily use of the equipment and its accessories
x Damage due to insufficient or ba d packaging of equipment when returned to Sagemcom
x Usage of new versions of software without the previous approval of Sagemcom
x Work on any equipment or software modified or added without the prior written consent of
x Malfunctio ns not resulting fro m the Equipment or from softwar e installed i n user workstations for
the purpose of use of the equipmen t. Communic ation proble ms relate d to an uns uitable
environment including:
- Proble ms relate d to acce ss and/or c onnection t o the Inte rnet such a s interrupti ons by ac cess
networks or ma lfunctio n of the line use d by the subs criber or his cor responde nt
- Trans mission faul ts (for e xample poor geograp hical cov erage by ra dio and TV transmi tters,
interf erence or po or line qu ality)
- Local network faults (wiring, servers, workstations) or the failure of the transmission network
(such as but not limited to interferences, fault or poor quality of the network
- Modification of the parameters of the cellular or broadcast network carried out after the sale
of the Product.
x Normal servicing (as defined in the user guide supplied with the equipment) as well as
malfunctioning due to servicing not being carried out. Servicing costs are in any event always
borne by the customer - Malfunctions resulting from the usage of products, consumables or
accessories not compatible with the equipment.
C) Out of Guarantee Repairs
In the cases set forth in B) as well as after expiry of the guarantee period, t he customer must ask the
Authorised SAGEMCOM Repair C entre for a cost estimation prior to work bein g carried out.
In such cases, the repair and delivery cost s will be invoiced to the custo mer.
The foregoing shall apply unless otherw ise agreed in writing with the customer and only for th e United
Kingdom and Ireland.
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