1. Select a playlist from the “Computer” window.
2. The contents of that playlist will appear in the View Playlist window.
3. Double click on the file in the View Playlist window that you would like to open. Alternatively,
right click on the file in the View Playlist window and select the “Open/Play” option from the
options window that appears.
4. If the selected file is a picture file the picture will open in a window.
5. If the selected file is a music file the music will begin to play. You can also play music files by
selecting the music file in the View Playlist window and clicking the “Play” button on the
music player controls.
Create a New Playlist
Create a new playlist to organize the multimedia files in your Media Manager library
1. Click the “New Playlist” button on the Media Manager toolbar.
2. A new playlist text box will appear in the “Computer” window.
3. Type in the name of your new playlist and press “Enter”.
4. The new playlist will appear in the “Computer” window.
Delete a file from the Media Manager Library
1. Right click on a file in the View Playlist window.
2. Select the “Delete File” option from the options window that appears.
3. The “Delete” window will appear.
4. Select the “Delete from information library” option if you would like to delete the file from the
Media Manager library but not from your PC. Alternatively, select the “Delete from information
library and pc” option if you would like to delete the file completely from your Media Manager library
as well as your PC.
5. After selecting your choice, click “OK”.