message disappears. After the Auto store is over, it
displays until the found program numbers.
FFoorr eexxaammppllee::
If there are 50 programs in the Auto Store,
it hides after 50. When P+ is pressed in the 50th
program, it proceeds to PC instead of 51.
In the frequency option, the frequency of
the current channel is displayed. You can change the
frequency using V± or numerical buttons.
FFiinnee TTuunnee::
You can fine tune the channels pressing V±
This operates ON/OFF. When ON, Its follows or
corrects the possible small frequency distortions in the
This provides locking of the current channel.
When the locked channel is accessed, a password is
asked. If the password is entered correctly ( the password
which is entered at the option of child lock), the channel
appears. After entering the password, the channel
appears. When the channel is changed and this channel
is revisited, the password appears as off. You should
adjust "Off" in the Program Settings in order to close.
You can save the adjustments.
The Child Lock should be On in order to this lock
be functional.