55.. RReecceeiivveerr ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ((SSaatteelllliittee RReecceeiivveerr))
Connect the cable from the satellite dish to the “LNB-IN” inlet of
the Satellite Receiver.
aa.. WWiitthh SSccaarrtt SSoocckkeett
* Connect the Satellite Receiver’s scart socket and your TV’s
scart socket using EURO scart cable.
* Press the “AV” button on the remote control of the TV set.
bb.. CCoonnnneeccttiinngg ffrroomm tthhee ssiiddee AAVV IInnlleettss ((OOppttiioonnaall))
* Connect the chinch sockets of the Receiver or Camera (Video,
Left Audio, Right Audio) to the sockets to the side of the TV
* Press the “AV” button on the RC until the Side AV position is
cc.. WWiitthh SSVVHHSS SSoocckkeett
* Connect the SVHS socket of the Receiver and that of your TV
set, through the SVHS cable. This provides a display
* For the volume, connect the Receiver’s (L, R) Left and Right
chinch volume outlets to the (L,R) Left and Right inlets of the TV
using double sided chinch socket cable.
While the Receiver is on, press the AV button of the TV set until
the Receiver Display comes to the screen.
66.. DDVVDD PPllaayyeerr // rreeccoorrddeerr ccoonnnneeccttiioonn
dd.. CCoommppoonneenntt YYPPbbPPrr IInn
* Connect the video YPbPr outlets of the DVD to the YPbPr inlet
sockets of the TV using 3 way chinch socket cable.
* For the volume, connect the Left and Right (L,R) chinch audio
outlets of the TV to the Left and Right (L,R) audio inlets of the TV
using double sided chinch socket cable.
While the DVD is ON, press the AV button on the RC until
the YPbPr is selected. This provides video transmission.