OOppeenniinngg aa PPIIPP SSccrreeeenn ((OOPPTTIIOONNAALL))
1. Go to the PIP Mode line by pressing P±
2. Confirm by pressing OK or V+
3. Select the PIP option by pressing P± buttons
4. You can return to PIP menu by pressing MENU
PPIIPP DDiimmeennssiioonn
In this menu you can select the PIP size from among 3
different options
1. Press P± to go to the PIP Size line.
2. Confirm by pressing OK or V+ button
3. Select the suitable PIP size by pressing P± buttons
4. You can return to PIP menu by pressing MENU
PPIIPP PPoossiittiioonn
You can adjust the PIP position on the TV
1. Press P± to the PIP Position line
2. Confirm by pressing OK or V+ buttons
3. Select the suitable PIP position by pressing P±
4. You can return to PIP menu by pressing MENU