12 ≤16.1 16.2 - 29.1 29.2 - 33.0 ≥33.1
13 ≤16.1 16.2 - 29.4 29.5 - 33.2 ≥33.3
14 ≤16.0 16.1 - 29.6 29.7 - 33.5 ≥33.6
15 ≤15.7 15.8 - 29.9 30.0 - 33.7 ≥33.8
16 ≤15.5 15.6 - 30.1 30.2 - 34.0 ≥34.1
17 ≤15.1 15.2 - 30.1 30.2 - 34.3 ≥34.4
18 ≤14.7 14.8 - 30.8 30.9 - 34.7 ≥34.8
Age Low Optimal Moderate High
19 - 39 ≤8 8.1 - 19.9 20 - 24.9 ≥25
40 - 59 ≤11 11.1 - 21.9 22 - 27.9 ≥28
60+ ≤13 13.1 - 24.9 25 - 29.9 ≥30
Age Low Optimal Moderate High
19 - 39 ≤21 21.1 - 32.9 33 - 38.9 ≥39
40 - 59 ≤23 23.1 - 33.9 34 - 39.9 ≥40
60+ ≤24 24.1 - 35.9 36 - 41.9 ≥42
*Source: Derived from; HD McCarth y, T J Cole, T Fry , SA Jebb and AM Prentice: “Body fat r eference curves for
children” . International Journal of Obesity (2006) 30, 598–602.
**Source: Derived from; Dympn llgher , Steven B Heymsfield, Moonseong Heo, Susn A Jebb, Peter
R Murgtroy d, nd Y oichi Skmoto: “Helthy per centge body ft rnges: n pproch for de veloping
guidelines bsed on body mss index1–3” . Am J Clin Nutr 2000;72:694–701.
The Body Fat % r anges published are for guidance only . Pr ofessional medical guidance should always be
sought before embarking on diet and exer cise programs.
BODY W A TER - WHY MEASURE IT? Body water is the single most important
component of body weight. It repr esents over half of y our total weight and almost
two thirds of y our lean body mass (predominantly muscle). W ater performs a
number of important roles in the body: All the cells in the body , whether in the skin,
glands, muscles, br ain or anywhere else, can only function pr operly if they have
enough water . Water also plays a vital part in r egulating the body’s temperatur e
balance, particularly thr ough perspiration. The combination of your weight and f at
measurement could appear to be ‘normal ’ but your body hydr ation level could be
insucient for healthy living.
BF % Range Optimal BW % Range
Men 4 to 14% 70 to 63%
15 to 21% 63 to 57%
22 to 24% 57 to 55%
25 and over 55 to 37%
Women 4 to 20% 70 to 58%
21 to 29% 58 to 52 %
30 to 32 % 52 to 49%
33 and over 49 to 37%
***Source: Derived from Wang & Deurenber g: “Hydration of fat -free body mass” . American Journal Clin Nutr
1999, 69 833-841.
For those using Athlete Mode: no te that athletes may have a lower body fat r ange
and a higher body water range than shown above, depending on their type of sport
or activity . Body water measurement r esults ar e influenced by the proportion of body
fat and muscle. If the pr oportion of body fat is high, or the pr oportion of muscle is
low then the body water results wil l tend to be low. It is important to remember that
measurements such as body weight, body f at and body water are tools for you to use
as part of your healthy lif estyle. As short term fluctuations are normal, we suggest
you chart your pr ogress over time, rather than focus on a single days r eading.
The Body W ater % ranges published ar e for guidance only . Professional medical
guidance should always be sought bef ore embarking on diet and ex ercise
progr ammes.
WHY SHOULD I KNOW MY MUSCLE MASS? A ccording to the American College of
Sports Medicine (ACSM), lean muscle mass may decr ease by nearly 50 per cent
between the ages of 20 and 90. If y ou don’t do anything to replace that loss you’r e
losing muscle and increasing fat. It is also important to know y our muscle mass
% during weight reduction. At rest, the body burns appr oximately 110 additional
calories for each kilo of muscle gained. Some advantages of gaining muscle mass
• Reversing the decline in str ength, bone density and muscle mass that
accompanies age
• Maintenance of flexible joints
• Guide weight reduction when combined with a heal thy diet.
This product is for domestic use onl y. Pregnant women should onl y use the weight
CAUTION : Do not use this pr oduct if you have a pacemak er or other medical device
fitted. If in doubt, consult y our doctor .
WHA T DOES MY BMI V ALUE MEAN? Body Mass Index (BMI) is an index of w eight-
for-height that is commonl y used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in
adults. This scale calculates your BMI value for you. The BMI categories shown in the
chart and table below are r ecognised by the WHO (W orld Health Organisation) and
can be used to interpret your BMI value.
Y our BMI category can be identified using the table below .
BMI Category BMI Value Meaning Heal th Risk Based Solely On BMI
< 18.5 Underweightt Moderate
18.6-24.9 Normal Low
25-29.9 Overweight Moderate
30+ Obese High
IMPORT ANT: If the chart/table shows that y ou are outside of a ‘normal ’ healthy
weight range, consult your doctor befor e taking any action. BMI classifications ar e for
adults (age 20+ years) onl y .
How exactly is m y body fat and water being measured?
This Salter Scale uses a measurement method kno wn as Bioelectrical Impedance
Analysis (BIA). A minute curr ent is sent through y our body , via your feet and legs.
This current flows easil y through the lean muscular tissue, which has a high fluid
content, but not easily thr ough fat. Ther efore, b y measuring your body’s impedance
(i.e. its resistance to the curr ent), the quantity of muscle can be determined. Fr om
this, the quantity of fat and water can then be estimated.
What is the value of the current passing thr ough me when the measurement is
taken? Is it safe?
The current is less than 1mA, which is tiny and perf ectly safe. Y ou will not be able
to feel it. Please note however , that this device should not be used by anyone with
an internal electronic medical device, such as a pacemaker , as a pr ecaution against
disruption to that device.
If I measure my body fat and wa ter at dierent times during the day , it can
vary quite considerably . Which value is correct?
Y our body fat percentage r eading varies with body water content, and the latter
changes throughout the course of the day . There is no right or wr ong time of the day
to take a reading, but aim to take measurements at a r egular time when you consider
your body to be normally h ydrated. A void taking readings after having a bath or
sauna, following intensiv e exercise, or within 1-2 hours of drinking in quantity or
eating a meal.
My friend has a Body F at Analyser made by another manufactur er .
When I used it I found that I got a dierent body f at reading. Why is this?
Dierent Body F at Analysers tak e measurements around dier ent parts of the body
and use dierent mathematic algorithms to calculate the per centage of body fat.
The best advice is to not make comparisons from one device to another , but to use
the same device each time to monitor any change.
How do I interpret m y body fat and water percentage r eadings?
Please refer to the Body F at and W ater tables included with the product. They will
guide you as to whether your body fat and water r eading falls into a healthy category
(relative to y our age and sex).
What should I do if my body fat r eading is very ‘high?
A sensible diet, fluid intake and exer cise progr am can reduce your body fat
percentage. Professional medical guidance should alwa ys be sought before
embarking on such a progr am.
Why are the body fat per centage ranges f or men and women so dierent?
Women natur ally carry a higher per centage of fat than men, because the make-up of
the body is dierent being gear ed towards pregnanc y, breastfeeding etc.
What should I do if my water percentage r eading is ‘low’?
Ensure that you ar e regularl y taking sucient water and work towards moving y our
fat percentage into the heal thy range.
Why should I avoid using the Body Anal yser Scale whilst pregnan t?
During pregnancy a woman’s body composition changes consider ably in order to
support the developing child. Under these cir cumstances, body fat per centage
readings could be inaccur ate and misleading. Pregnant women should ther efore onl y
use the weight function.
ADVICE FOR USE AND CARE • Always weigh y ourself on the same scale placed on
the same floor surface. Do not compar e weight readings fr om one scale to another
as some dierences will exist due to manufacturing toler ances. • Placing your