The machine may be configured incorrectly. Check the Printing Preferences to ensure that all of the print settings are correct.
The printer driver may be incorrectly installed.Uninstall and reinstall the machine’s driver.
The machine is malfunctioning.Check the display message on the control panel to see if the machine is indicating a
system error. Contact a service representative.
The document size is so big that the hard disk
space of the computer is insufficient to access the
print job.
Get more hard disk space and print the document again.
The output tray is full.Once the paper is removed from the output tray, the machine resumes printing.
The machine selects print
materials from the wrong
paper source.
The paper option that was selected in the
Printing Preferences may be incorrect.
For many software applications, the paper source selection is found under the Paper tab
within the Printing Preferences (see "Opening printing preferences" on page 43).
Select the correct paper source. See the printer driver help screen (see "Using help" on
page 44).
A print job is extremely
The job may be very complex.Reduce the complexity of the page or try adjusting the print quality settings.
Half the page is blank.The page orientation setting may be incorrect.Change the page orientation in your application (see "Opening printing preferences" on
page 43). See the printer driver help screen (see "Using help" on page 44).
The paper size and the paper size settings do not
Ensure that the paper size in the printer driver settings matches the paper in the tray.
Or, ensure that the paper size in the printer driver settings matches the paper selection
in the software application settings you use (see "Opening printing preferences" on
page 43).
The machine prints, but
the text is wrong,
garbled, or incomplete.
The machine cable is loose or defective.Disconnect the machine cable and reconnect. Try a print job that you have already
printed successfully. If possible, attach the cable and the machine to another computer
that you know works and try a print job. Finally, try a new machine cable.
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