SAM4S NR-500 Series Manual Program Mode Programming • 125
Option Entry Description
NEGATIVE ITEM Y or N Select Y to register items that subtract, rather than add to
the sale total.
HASH Y or N Items designated with HASH status add to the current sale,
but do not add to the registers grand total. HASH items
may or may not add to the net sales total - see “SYSTEM”
of “Options Programming” in the “Program Mode
Programming” chapter. Use hash for lottery sales or bottle
SINGLE ITEM Y or N Select Y for a single item PLU. Single item PLUs
automatically total as a cash sale immediately after the
PLU entry. Single item PLUs are used to speed up one
item sales.
NON-ADD # COMP Y or N Select Y to enforce the entry of a non-add number before a
registration can be made.
GALLONAGE ITEM Y or N Select Y to compute gallons sold. The gallons sold will
print along with the price entry on the receipt. The total
gallons sold will accumulate in the PLU counter. You must
program the price per gallon (in tenths of a cent, i.e. $1.299
for $1.29 and 9/10) in the PRICE/HALO field.
INVENTORY ITEM Y or N Select Y if you wish to track the number of items
remaining in inventory using the Stock report.
DISABLE Y or N Select Y to disable the PLU. Entries can not be made into
disabled PLUs.
SCALABLE Y or N If Y, the PLU wil work only when you are multiplying a
weight from an optional scale or when multiplying a
manually entered weight. (For example, enter weight, press
SCALE, then register PLU.)
AUTO SCALE Y or N Select Y if you wish entries into this PLU to be
automatically multiplied by the weight on the optional
CONDIMENT Y or N Select Y if you wish the item to act like a condiment on the
kitchen printer. Items with this status will satisfy the
requirements of items with compulsory condiment status.
CONDIMENT Y or N Select Y if you wish to force the entry of a condiment after
this item is entered.
RECEIPT Y or N Select N if you wish to suppress printing of the item on the
DISPLAY PLU Y or N Select Y if you wish to display the ithem on the display.
PRINT ON CHECK Y or N Select N if you wish to suppress printing of the item on the
RECEIPT Y or N Select N if you wish to suppress printing of the item's price
on the receipt.