Number mode
Press the keys corresponding to the digits you want.
Symbol mode
Press the num ber keys correspon ding to the symbol y ou w ant and press
soft k ey . Y ou can press
to display more sy mbols.
Tips for e nteri ng t ext
• T o mov e the cursor , press the Navigation keys.
• T o delete characters one by one, press
. T o clear the display , press and
• T o insert a space between ch aracte rs, press .
• T o change cas e in T9 mode or ABC m ode, press .
• T o enter punctuation marks in T9 mode or ABC m ode, press
Sendin g an SMS message
1. In Idle m ode , press the
soft k ey .
2. S ele ct
Text message s
Write new
3. Enter the message text.
4. Press the
Opti ons
soft key and add item s using the following options:
Add objects
: ad d sound s, i mages, or an imat ed image s.
Add temp lates
: add text templates.
Add emot icon
: add emoticons.
Add phone book
: add Phonebook contacts.
Add bookma rk
: add bookm ark items.
5. Press the
Opti ons
and select
Sen d o n ly
Save and s end
, or
onl y
6. If you select
Save and send
Save only
, select a memo ry location.
7. Enter destination numbers.
8. Press the
Opti ons
soft key and select
Send message
to send the
mes sa ge .
Taking a ph oto
1. In Idle mo de, press t he
soft key .
2. Select
Take ph otos
3. Aim the lens at the subject and mak e any desired adjustme nts.
4. Press to take a photo.
5. Press the
soft key to save the photo, or press the
soft key
to delete the photo.
6. After saving the photo, press the
soft key to take another photo.
: After taking a photo, you may be unable to save the photo, depending
on your phone's memory capacity . Delete old photos to free up memory .
Quick feature reference
This se ction pr ovide s brie f expla nations of featur es on you r phon e.
Featu re Description Selec t
Fin d a cont act Sea rch for cont acts in Phon ebo ok. Pho nebook
> Search
Add a new
Add a new contact to Phonebook . Phonebook
> New entr y
Search group Search for Phone book contacts in
caller groups.
> Grou p search
properties of a
caller group
Select a ringto ne and image for
incomi ng call s and mes sages fr om
member s of a gr oup. Also change the
group name.
> Edit g roup
Speed dial As sig n speed dial nu mbers (2 to 9) for
eight of your most freque ntly dialle d
number s.
> Speed dial
Delete all Phoneb ook co ntacts stored
in th e pho ne’s memo ry , on the SIM
card, or both.
> Dele te all
View th e tot al num ber of Ph oneboo k
contacts in the phone’ s memor y or on
the SIM car d.
> Memo ry status
SDN( Serv ic e
Numbers )
Access the l ist of servi ce nu mbers
assigned by your serv ice provider .
Use t he SIM
Use a v ari ety of additi onal se rvic es
offered by your service provider .
View re cent
View the most recent call s you ha ve
diall ed, r eceive d, or miss ed.
Menu > Call records
> M issed ca lls,
Rece ived cal ls, o r
Dialle d ca lls
Delete recent
Del ete th e call logs in ea ch cal l type ,
or al l logs at once.
Menu > Call records
> Delet e all
Call time
View the du ration of recent call s you
have diall ed and received. Also r eset
the time counter .
> Call reco rds
> Call ti me
Call co st
View the cost of your cal ls. Menu > Call records
> Call cos t
service s
Access netwo rk se rvices offer ed by
you r serv ice prov ider .
> Network servic es
Sele ct
ringtone and
volu me
Selec t a ringto ne f or inco min g calls or
a volu me lev el.
> S ound set tings
> Ring tone or Ring
Alert type Select an alert ty pe for the call rin ger . Menu
> S ound set tings
> Alert type
Sele ct
key ton e
Select a tone which the ph one sou nds
when yo u pres s a key .
> S ound set tings
> K eypad tone
Featu re Des cription Select
Selec t
messag e tone
Select the alert ringtone for inc oming
SMS, MMS, and broadcast messages,
or set ho w often you are inform ed of
a new me ssage.
> Sound se ttings
> Messa ge ton e
Alert on cal l Set the pho ne to aler t you wh en you
receiv e a ne w me ssage or wh en the
time for an a larm come s dur ing a call .
> Sound se ttings
> Ale rt on ca ll
Fol d er to ne Select the tone that the ph one sounds
when yo u open or close the pho ne.
> Sound se ttings
> Folder t one
Power on/ off
Sele ct the melo dy tha t the ph one
sounds whe n it is switc hed on or off .
> Sound se ttings
> Power on/of f
Extra to nes Set additional tones for the ph one. Menu > Sound s etti ngs
> Extr a tones
Read SMS o r
messag es
Re ad recei ved, s ent, or sa ved
Menu > Messa ges
> T e xt messa ges or
Multi media mes sage s
> Inbox, Outbox, or
Send SMS or
messag es
Create and send message s to other
mobile phon es.
Menu > Messa ges
> T e xt messa ges or
Multi media mes sage s
> Write new
Messa ge
Preset temp lates o f fr equentl y use d
messages or e moticons.
Menu > Messa ges
> T e xt messa ges or
Multi media mes sage s
> T e mplate s or
Emoticon templa tes
Featu re Description Selec t
Mes sagi ng
Set optio ns for usin g messagi ng
servic es.
Menu > Messa ges
> T ext messa ges or
Mul timedia mess ages
> Settin gs or S etup
Del ete
mess ages
Delet e messag es in e ach me ssage
box, or all messa ges at o nce.
Menu > Messa ges
> T ext messa ges or
Mul timedia mess ages
> Delete all
Mes sage
memo ry
stat us
Check memory inf ormat ion for
messag es.
Menu > Messa ges
> T ext messa ges or
Mul timedia mess ages
> Memo ry sta tus
V o icemail Access your voic email serv er an d
listen to messages on the network.
Menu > Messa ges
> T ext messa ges
> V oice mail
Broadcas t
mess age
Change settin gs for the s ervice and
access br oadcast me ssages.
Menu > Messa ges
> T ext messa ges
> Broadcas t
MMS p rofile S elect or c onfig ure a co nnec tion
profile to be used for MMS.
Menu > Messa ges
> M ultim edia
messa ges
> MMS profi le
Push messag e Change the settings fo r the service ,
and a ccess or dele te pu sh me ssage s.
> Messa ges
> Push mess age
Confi gurat ion
mess age
Access or delete me ssages co ntain ing
network para meters from your
servic e pr ovid er .
Menu > Messa ges
> Confi guratio n
messa ges
Featu re Description Selec t
SOS message Activate the SOS m essage fea ture.
Ente r re cipie nts and s elect the r epea t
> Messa ges
> SOS messag es
W eb brow ser Launc h and c onfi gure t he web
browser .
Menu > Funb ox
> WAP browser
FM r ad io List en to music or news v ia the FM
radio on your phone.
Menu > Funb ox
> FM Radio
Access media
Access game s, sou nds, or images in
your pho ne’ s memo ry .
Menu > Funb ox
> Game s, So unds, or
Delete all
media files
Delete ga mes, s ounds, or images in
each media box, or all media files at
once .
> Funb ox
> Dele te all
Funbo x
Check the amount of memor y in use
for ga mes or sound s and i mages.
> Funb ox
> Memo ry status
Alarm Set an alarm to sound at a spec ific
Menu > Orga niser
> Alarm
Calendar Kee p track of daily or monthly
schedu les.
Menu > Orga niser
> Calen dar
Time and date Set the current time and date
manually an d set your local time
> Organ iser
> Time & Date
Automati c
time update
Set your phone to update the current
time automat ically whe n you tr ave l
abroad. Time informati on may not be
updated when you mov e from one
time zone to anothe r within a country .
> Organ iser
> Time & Date
> Auto update
Featu re Description Selec t
Calculator Perfo rm bas ic arit hmeti c fun ctio ns. Me nu > Orga nise r
> Calc ulato r
T ask lis t Create a list o f tasks and a ssign a
deadli ne to each task.
Menu > O rgani ser
> T o do list
Vo i ce m e m o R ecord v oic e memos and li sten them. M enu > Orga nise r
> Voice memo
conv erter
Do c urre ncy conversi ons. Menu > O rgani ser
> Curren cy exchan ge
Camera T ake photos in v arious modes, and
access sav ed ph otos i n jpeg format.
Y o u can also ch eck m emor y
info rmat ion for the pho tos.
> Camer a
Change settin gs for th e disp lay an d
> Phone settin gs
> Di spl ay se ttin gs
Gree t ing
Enter th e greeting message t o be
displa ye d wh en the phone i s swi tched
> Phone settin gs
> Greetin g messag e
Check your
own p hon e
number s
Check your phone num bers or a ssign
a name to them.
> Phone settin gs
> Ow n nu mber
langua ge
Sele ct a la nguag e to be used fo r the
displ ay text.
> Phone settin gs
> Langua ge
Security Protect the phon e against
unaut hor ised use .
> Phone settin gs
> Secu rity
Featu re Des cription Select
Mobile T r acker T rack your p hone when i t is stol en or
lost. When someo ne t ries to use your
phone with other SIM card, th e phone
will automati cally se nd the preset
tracki ng mes sage to your famil y or
friend s.
> Phone sett ings
> Secur ity
> Mobil e T rac ker
Extr a settings Set the automatic redialling f eature or
the answering m ethod.
> Phone sett ings
> Extr a setting s
shortcu ts
Set the Navigation keys as shortcuts
to ac cess yo ur favour ite me nus
directly .
> Phone sett ings
> Short cut
Creat e and c ustom ise th e p rofiles
conta ining t he sett ings for c onnecti ng
your phone to th e network.
> Phone sett ings
> Con nec tio n se tti ngs
Vo lu m e k ey Set wh ether the phone mutes the call
ringer or rej ects a call if y ou p ress
and hold the Volume ke ys whe n a ca ll
comes i n.
> Phone sett ings
> Volume key
Rese t the
Reset t he phone to the factory default
settin gs.
> Phone sett ings
> Re set se ttings
Featu re Description Selec t
Importan t safety precautions
Read these guidelines before using your wireless phone. Fa ilure to comply with them
may be dangerous or illegal.
Drive safely at all times
Do not use a hand-held phone while driving; park your ve hicle first.
Switching off when refuel ling
Do not use the phone at a refuell ing point (service station) or near fuels or chemicals.
Switching of f in an aircraft
Wireless phones can cause interference . Using them in an aircraft is both illegal and
Switching of f near a ll medical equ ipment
Hospitals and health ca re facilities may be using equipment that could be sensitive t o
external RF energy . F ollow any regulations or rules in force.
All wireless phones may be subject to interference, which co uld affect their
Sp ecia l re gu lat ions
Follow any special regulations in force in any area and always switch off you r phone
whenever it is forbidden to use it.
Water resis tance
Y our phone is not wate r-resistant. Keep it dry .
Sensible use
Use only in the norma l positio n (held to your ear). Avoid unne cessary co ntact wit h the
antenn a when the p hone is sw itc hed o n.
Emergency calls
Key in the emerge ncy numb er for your pres ent loc ation , then p ress . Do not end
the call until given permission t o do so.
Small children and y our phone
K eep the phone and all its parts inclu ding accessories out of reach of small children.
Accessories and batt eries
Use only Samsung- approved bat teries and access ories, such as headse ts and PC data
cables. Use of any unau thorised access ories could damage your ph one and may be
Qualified serv ice
Only qualified service personnel may repair your phone.
SA R in fo rm a tio n
Y our wireless phone is a radio t ransmitt er and receiver . It is designed and
manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for ex posure to radio frequency (RF)
energy set by th e European Union (EU) Council. These limits are part of com prehensive
guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF ene rgy for the general population. The
guidelines are based on the safe ty standards that we re developed by independent
scientific organisations through periodic and through evaluation of scientific studies.
The stan dards inclu de a substa ntial sa fety margin designed to as sure the safety of all
persons, regardle ss of age and healt h.
The exposure standard for wireless phones employs a unit of measurement known as
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). The SAR limit set by the EU Council is 2.0 W/k g. The
highest SAR value for this model phone was 0.919 W/kg.
Risk of explosion if a battery is replaced by an incorrect type.
Dispose used batteries according to the instructions.
At very hig h volume, prolonged listening to a headset can damage
your hearing.