2. Select a video clip.
RealPlayer opens and begins playback. For details, see
page 58.
Listening to music
In this folder, you can access music files you have downloaded
from the wireless web or received in multimedia messages.
.mp3 and .aac files are supported.
1. On the Gallery main view, select
2. Select a file or playlist.
For a playlist, select
. The music player opens and
begins playback. For details, see page 55.
Playing sounds
In this folder, you can access voice memos you have recorded,
and sound files you have downloaded from the wireless web or
received in multimedia messages. .ra, .wav, .midi, .mmf, and
.amr files are supported.
1. On the Gallery main view, select
Sound clips
2. If necessary, select the subfolder you want.
3. Select a sound clip.
The music player opens and begins playback. For details,
see page 55.