Insert the phone side connector of the microUSB cable SH10 horizontally into the external connector terminal on the phone
Insert the PC side connector of the microUSB cable horizontally into the USB connector on the PC (2)
:For details on setting USB connection mode nP. 26
Insert a microSD Card in advance.
Connect the phone to a PC via the microUSB cable
Tap on the status bar/[USB connected]
[Turn on USB storage]/[OK]
Use as a microSD reader/writer
Perform secure hardware removal after use
[Turn off USB storage]
Disconnect the microUSB cable from the phone
You can display recorded pictures, videos, etc. on TV by connecting the phone to the TV using the HDMI terminal.
Connect TV to the phone via commercially available HDMI cable to use. For details on operation, refer to the TV manual.
/Starting HDMI connection
Connect with HDMI cable
In the home screen, [R]/[HDMI]/[Start HDMI connection]
:To disconnect: [Disconnect]
:When the cable gets unplugged during HDMI output, the application keeps activating for approximately 30 seconds. After approximately 30 seconds passed, the
application ends and returns to the home screen.
/HDMI Settings
In the home screen, [R]/[HDMI]/[HDMI settings]/[HDMI output size setting]
Select the setting
External connector device
Connecting the phone and PC
Use a USB cable “microUSB cable SH10”. USB cables for PC are not available, since the connector shape is different.
The use of a USB HUB may not work correctly.
Do not remove the microUSB cable while exchanging data with PC. Data may be damaged.
microSD reader/writer
While using as a microSD reader/writer, Flight mode is enabled.
While using as a microSD reader/writer, microSD Card cannot be used by other applications. In addition, microSD Card may not be used as a microSD reader/writer
while it is used by other applications.
HDMI connection
You cannot use the HDMI cable when battery level is insufficient.
HDMI cable
Use an HDMI cable compatible with micro HDMI plug (type D).
Make sure to use a commercially available standard HDMI cable (Category 2 is recommended). Using a nonstandard cable may not work properly.
Fully insert the HDMI cable when connecting. Do not forcibly insert or remove the cable as this may cause damage to the HDMI terminal and the connector.
Hold the plug and slowly pull out when unplugging.
The HDMI cable must be connected to the HDMI input terminal of TV.
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