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Mini Player
When viewing photos with background music, you can control the music. Select Background Music
from among the on-screen control buttons and select Mini Player. You can pause playback or skip to
the previous or next song.
Additional Photo Playback Settings
Zoom: Select the Zoom on-screen button. Zoom in by up to a factor of 4.
Rotate: Select the Rotate on-screen button. This rotates the current photo 90 degrees clockwise.
Receiver: Select the Receiver button and then power on the AV receiver.
Picture Mode: Select the Settings on-screen button and then select Picture Mode. Select a
picture mode.
Sound Mode: Select the Settings on-screen button and then select Sound Mode. Select a sound
mode. However, this option is not available while background music is playing.
Information: Select the Settings on-screen button and then select Information to view detailed
information about the current video.