In order to operate the TV using a Smart Touch Control , you must fi rst pair it to the TV via Bluetooth. However, the Smart Touch Control is only available for the paired
Samsung TV.
We recommend to use the Smart Touch Control in less than 6m. A usable distance may differ depending on the wireless environmental conditions.
1. When the TV is off, point the Smart Touch Control at the remote control receiver of the TV and press the TV button for the fi rst pairing. Only this buttons sends an IR
signal. The remote control receiver's location may vary depending on the model.
2. A Bluetooth icon will appear at the bottom left of the screen as shown below. The TV will then attempt to connect to the Smart Touch Control automatically.
<Attempting to connect and completion icons>
Reconnecting the Smart Touch Control
<The Smart Touch Control's pairing button>
If the Smart Touch Control stops operating or works abnormally, replace the battery as this may be caused by insuffi cient battery power. If
the problem persists, press the PAIRING button on the Smart Touch Control to restore pairing with the TV. The PAIRING button cannot be
accessed without removing the Smart Touch Control's battery cover. Within a distance between 30cm to 4m, point the Smart Touch Control to
the TV receiver and press the PAIRING button. When pairing is complete, the pairing image displays at the bottom left of the TV screen.
Touch Pad
• Drag on the Touch Pad to move the
focus on the screen.
• Press the Touch Pad to run, activate, or
select the highlighted item.
•Press and hold the touch pad to display
the Channel List.
Take your voice command and enter a text
using your voice.
You can use the MIC to give Voice Recognition commands. Simply press the VOICE
Voice Recognitionfunction can be affected by unclear pronunciation, voice level, or surrounding noise.
Ich benötige die Bedienungsanleitung in deutsch für den Fernseher Samsung UE 40 F 6770 muß den Sendersuchlauf aktivieren.
Eingereicht am 18-8-201816:15
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