Decline in oxygen saturation depending on altitude
If P]9]]iglltg, informs you of the effecrs of various aititudes on oxygen saturarion vatue
::^" l1:]T!3:19., lhe human body. The foilowins tabte does NOT appty to peopte wirh cerlain
pre-exrslrng conditions (e.q. asthma. heart fairure..respiratory diseases'etc.j. e,i"pr" *iil pie_
existing conditions can show signs of illness (e.g. hypoxia) jt to*"i jtitro"s
so-urce:.Hackett PH, Roach Rc: High-Artitude i,4edicrne. rn: Auerbach ps (ed): wirJerness r\.4edicine, 3rd
edition; l\4osby, Si.Louis, MO 1995:1-37.
Attitude Expected SpO, value
(orygen saturation) in %lmpact on human body
1 500-2500 m>90 No altitude sickness (normally)
2500-3500 m-90 Altitude sickness, acclimatisation recom-
3500-5800 m<90 Very f requent altit,tde sickness, acclimatisa-
tion absolutely essential
5800-7500 m<80 Severe hypoxia. onty l;mited length of stay
7500-8850 m<70 lmmediate, acute danger to life