General information
• Af ter unp ackin g, chec k all par t s for pos sible
tra nspor t ation d amages . In the event of
co mplaint s, infor m the su pplier i mmedi ately .
Any c ompla ints made a fte r this ti me will n ot
be ac cepte d.
• The sh ipment i s to be che cked for c ompl ete-
nes s upon re ceipt .
• Read th rough t he manual c aref ully in or der
to make your self fa miliar i n dealing w ith th e
devic e befor e using it fo r the r st tim e.
• Onl y use or iginal e quipme nt regar ding ac-
ce ssor ies, as we ll as co nsumab le items an d
spar e par ts. Spa re par ts c an be obt ained
fro m your spe ciali zed deale r .
Whe n order ing, pl ease sp ecif y our p ar t num-
ber s, as well as t ype a nd co nstr ucti on year of
the d evice.
Acc ord ing to the ap plic able pr oduc t liabili ty
laws, t he manuf acture r of the devi ce doe s not
assu me liabi lity f or damag es to the p roduc t or
dama ges ca used by the p roduc t that oc cur s
du e t o:
• Impr oper h andling,
• Non - com plianc e of the o perat ing inst ruc-
• Repair s by third p ar ties, n ot by author ized
ser vice technic ians,
• Inst allati on and re place ment of non - or iginal
spare part s,
• Ap plic ation ot her tha n spec ied,
• A brea k dow n of the ele ctr ica l system that
oc curs d ue to the no n- co mplia nce of th e
electric regul ations a nd VDE regu lations
01 0 0, DIN 57 1 13 / VDE01 13.
We re com mend:
Read th rough t he com plete tex t in the
operating instr uctions before installing and
co mmiss ionin g the devic e. The op erati ng
inst ruc tions a re intende d to help t he user to
bec ome fa miliar w ith th e machin e and take
advant age of it s applic atio n poss ibilit ies in
accordance with th e recommenda tions. The
operating instr uctions co ntain impor tant infor-
mati on on how to o perate t he mac hine safe ly ,
prof essio nally an d eco nomic ally , how to avoi d
dang er , cost ly repair s, redu ce dow ntimes a nd
how to in creas e reliab ilit y and ser vi ce lif e of
the machine.
In addi tion to t he safet y regu latio ns in the
ope rating i nstr ucti ons, you have to me et the
appl icab le regul ation s that app ly for th e ope -
rati on of the m achin e in your co untr y .
Keep the operating instruc tions package
wit h the mac hine at all t imes an d store it i n a
plas tic cover to p rotec t it fro m dir t and moi s-
ture. Rea d the inst ruc tion m anual eac h time
befo re oper ating th e machi ne and c arefull y
foll ow its info rmat ion. Th e machi ne can o nly
be op erated by pe rson s who were i nstr ucted
co ncer ning t he oper ation o f the mac hine
and w ho are info rme d about t he asso ciated
dang ers. T he minimu m age requ irement m ust
be complied with .
We have m arke d the p oint s in t his ma nua l
th at con cer n your s afet y wi th t his si gn m
General safety information m
A TTENTION! When operating power tools,
the following general safety measures have
to be taken in order to protect the user
against electric shock, risk of injury and
re risk. Read through all of this informa-
tion before operating this power tool and
keep the safety information
Safe working
• Disorder in the working area increases the
risk of accidents.
• Do not expose power tools to rain.
• Do not use power tools in a humid or wet
• Ensure excellent illumination of the working
• Do not operate power tools where there is a
possible danger of re or explosion.
• Avoid physical contact with grounded ob-
jects. (e.g. tubes, radiators, electric stoves,
cooling appliances).
• Do not let other persons, especially children,
touch the power tool or the cable. Keep
them away from your working area.
• Unused power tools should be kept in a dry ,
locked place, high and out of the reach of
• Y ou will work better and safer within the
indicated power range.
• Do not use inefcient power tools for heavy
• Do not use the power tool for any purpose
other than that for which it is intended.
• E.g. do not use a portable circular saw to
cut tree branches or logs.
• Do not wear loose clothes or jewelry; they
could be caught by moving parts.
• When working outdoors, it is recommended
to wear non-slip shoes.
• If you have long hair , wear a hair net.
• Wear safety glasses.
• Wear a breathing mask for dust-generating
• In the case that connections for dust suction
and reception are available please ensure
that they are connected and can be used
properly .
• Do not use the cable to remove the plug
from the socket. Protect the cable from heat,
oil and sharp edges.
• Use clamping devices or a vice to x the
work piece. Thus it will be held more secu-
rely than in your hand.
• Ensure that you have a stable standing
position and keep your balance at all times.
• Keep the cutting tool sharp and clean, in
order to make it work better and safer .
• Follow the instructions regarding lubrication
and tool change.
• Check the power tool‘s connection line regu-
larly and in case of damage have it replaced
by an acknowledged expert..
• Check the extension cables regularly and
replace them when they are damaged.
• Keep the handles dry , clean and free from
oil and fat.
• Be sure that the device is not in use , before
maintenance and while changing tools like
saw blades, drills or any kind of machine
• Before turning the machine on, make sure
that all keys and adjustment tools have
been removed.
• Make sure that the switch is turned off when
plugging the plug in the socket.
• For outdoor work, use only extension cables
which are approved for this purpose.
• Always pay attention and take the utmost
care when working with an electric power
tool. Do not use the power tool when you
are not concentrated.
• Before further using the power tool, pro-
tective devices and other parts have to be
checked carefully in order to make sure that
they function perfectly and properly .
• Check to see if all movable parts function
properly and that they do not jam and make
sure that no parts are damaged. All parts
have to be mounted properly and have to
comply with all conditions in order to ensure
perfect operation of the power tool.
• Damaged protective devices and parts have
to be repaired or replaced as intended by
an acknowledged specialized workshop,
if not specied otherwise in the operating
• Damaged switches have to be replaced in a
customer service repair shop.
• Do not use power tools where the switch
cannot easily be turned on and off.
• Using other application tools and accesso-
ries can cause a risk of personal injury .
• This electrical power tool complies with the
relevant safety regulations.
• Repairs may only be carried out by an ex-
pert who uses original spare parts; otherwi-
se the operator runs the risk of accidents.
1. Safety precautions
W arning! Do not use damaged or deformed
saw blades.
Replace worn out stage plates.
Use only saw blades which are recommended
by the manufacturer and which correspond
to EN 847-1. W arning! When replacing the
saw blade, ensure that the cutting width is not
narrower and that the main blade width is not
wider than the width of the splitting wedge.
Make sure, that you select a saw blade that is
appropriate for the material you intend to cut.
Wear appropriate, personal protective equip-
ment such as:
- Ear protection to reduce the risk of getting