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Suspension forks and rear frames (c) are components of sophisticated design
that require regular maintenance and care. This has led almost all rear shock
manufacturers to establish service centres where you can have your rear shocks
repaired and checked at regular intervals according to use, e.g. once a year.
The following routines are essential for maintenance:
1. Make sure the sliding surfaces of the piston rod are clean.
2. Clean the rear shock (d) and the rear frame, in particular the bearings, when
they are dirty by using plenty of water and a soft sponge directly after a ride.
3. After having washed your SCOTT bike, apply a little grease spray approved
by the manufacturers on the piston rod of the rear shock and the bearings
(e) or apply a very thin layer of hydraulic oil. Compress the rear frame several
times and wipe off excess lubricant with a clean rag before you set off for
your next ride. Use the lubricant recommended by the manufacturer.
4. Do not use a steam jet or aggressive cleaning agents for cleaning! Ask your
SCOTT dealer for an appropriate cleaning agent.
5. In the case of rear shocks with steel coils (f) you should clean the springs and
the piston rod underneath at regular intervals and grease the piston rod with
spray approved by the manufacturer. Some rear shock manufacturers supply
special grease for maintenance. Strictly observe the recommendations of the
manufacturers. This is a job for the rear shock service centre.
6. Rear shocks with air suspension must be checked regularly for air pressure,
since the pressure escapes over time.
7. Check the tight fit of all rear frame screwings by using a torque wrench ac-
cording to the values on the rear frame. Also check whether the rear frame
bearings show lateral or the bearing of the rear shock vertical play.
In case of inquiries, contact your SCOTT dealer or follow the respective
instructions in the manual of the rear shock manufacturer on this SCOTT
info CD.
When taking long uphill rides involving hard pedalling out of the saddle, a rear
frame is typically bobbing. It is advisable to lock the damping, if the rear shock
has a lockout mechanism (a). For downhill rides on uneven ground the lockout
mechanism must be open stringently.
Many SCOTT hardtail bikes have a lockout lever at the handlebars.
Some SCOTT full-suspension bikes are fitted with the TWINLOC system. The
TWINLOC offers three setting options (b):
1. Climb mode: The shock is (nearly) locked. This setting allows you comforta-
ble climbing on firm grounds, e.g. tarred roads, without loosing any power into
Simultaneously, a blow-off system prevents the shock from being damaged in
case the rider did not open the system while crossing obstacles.
2. Traction/Riding mode: For traction: the travel of the shock will be reduced to
around 80%, the characteristic of the air spring gets harder, the SAG is shorter
and the geometry steeper. This results in climbing without “bobbing” and offers
still optimum traction of the rear wheel.
For ride: By adding a platform to the compression damping system the shock
will not bounce while standing on the pedals.
3. Descent mode: In this mode both suspension elements (suspension fork and
rear shock) are open, i.e. the entire suspension travel is at your disposal.
Do not actuate the lockout function when riding over rough terrain, but only
when riding over smooth terrain (roads or field tracks).
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