ComponentWhat to doBefore everyMonthlyAnnuallyOther
Painted/anodized/ Polish · every
carbon surfaces 6 months
at least
Wheels/spokes Check for trueness and tension ·
True or retighten o if necessary
Handlebars and Check and replace, if necessary oevery
stem (aluminium 2 years at
and carbon) the latest
Headset Check for bearing play ·
Regrease o
Metal surfaces Polish (except: rim sides of · every
rim brakes, rotors) 6 months
at least
Hubs Check for bearing play ·
Regrease o
Pedals (all) Check for bearing play ·
Pedals (clipless) Clean and grease locking ·
Seat post/stem Check bolts ·
Dismount and re-lubricate, o
carbon: new assembly
paste (no grease!)
Front/rear derailleur Clean and grease ·
Quick-releases/ Check seat ·
thru axles
Bolts and nuts Check and retighten, ·
(Multi-speed hubs, if necessary
mudguards etc.)
Valves Check seat ·
Cables gears/brakes Disassemble and regrease o
If you have a certain degree of mechanical skills, experience and suitable tools,
such as a torque wrench, you should be able to do the checks marked · by your-
self. If you come across any defects, take appropriate measures without delay. If
you are in doubt or if you have any questions, contact your SCOTT dealer.
Jobs marked o are best left to your SCOTT dealer.
For your own safety, bring your SCOTT bike to your SCOTT dealer for its
first inspection after 100 to 300 kilometres, 5 to 15 hours of initial use or
four to six weeks, and at the very latest after three months.
It is advisable to have your SCOTT bike serviced regularly after the bedding-in
phase. The schedule given in the table below is a rough guide for cyclists who
ride their bike between 1,000 and 2,000 km or 50 to 100 hours of use a year.
If you consistently ride more or if you ride a great deal on poor road surfaces,
the maintenance periods of the SCOTT service plan will shorten accordingly.
ComponentWhat to doBefore everyMonthlyAnnuallyOther
Lighting Check ·
Tyres Check pressure ·
Check tread and side walls ·
Brakes (rim brakes) Check lever travel, wear of brake ·
pads, position of pads relative
to rim; test brakes in stationary
Brakes Check lever travel, wear of brake ·
(hydraulic rim) pads, position of pads relative
to rim; test brakes in stationary
Brakes (drum/roller) Lever travel, test brakes ·
in stationary
Brakes, brake pads Clean ·
(rim brakes)
Brake cables/pads/ Visual inspection ·
Brakes (disc brakes) Lever travel, brake pads, seals, ·
test brakes in stationary
Replace liquid (DOT-liquids) o
Suspension forks Check and retighten bolts, o
if necessary
All-inclusive service (change oil) o
Rims (of rim brakes) Check thickness, o after
replace if necessary 2nd set of
brake pads
at the latest
Fork (rigid) Check and replace, if necessary o at least
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