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You can obtain a moped licence if you are aged 15 or over. Inform yourself at
your driving licence agency.
Inform yourself in the country where you use your SCOTT speed pedelec about
the regulations on the use of speed pedelecs on cycle lanes in built-up areas, on
lanes which are marked with a road sign allowing access for mopeds, on cycling
one-way streets in the opposite direction, even when they are allowed to bikes,
and on the use of roads which are closed for motor vehicles, motor cycles and
Inform yourself in the country where you use your SCOTT speed pedelec
whether wearing a helmet (e) is compulsory. Also read the chapter “Useful facts
for riding a SCOTT speed pedelec”.
Only use trails that are allowed for speed pedelecs / e-bikes. Typical SCOTT
speed pedelecs are generally not suitable for off-road use (f). Using SCOTT
speed pedelecs off-road can result in crashes with unforeseeable consequences.
Your SCOTT speed pedelec is designed for a maximum overall weight, including
rider, luggage and SCOTT speed pedelec. The permissible overall weight is
130kg / 286lbs.
Be sure to use your SCOTT bike only for its intended purpose, as it may
otherwise not withstand the stress and fail. Risk of falling!
Do not modify your SCOTT pedelec or SCOTT speed pedelec; this applies
in particular to the performance or the possibly assisted speed! A modified
pedelec or speed pedelec must no longer be used on public roads.
Pedelecs (pedal electric cycles) or EPACs (Electrically Power Assisted Cycles)
are bicycles with an auxiliary motor that only switches on when you move the
pedals. When you stop pedalling, the motor switches off.
A driving licence is not required for riding a SCOTT pedelec (a+b), if the motor
assistance switches off automatically at a speed of 25 kmh. You do not need an
operating licence and need not insure the pedelec either.
All regulations that apply to SCOTT bikes, also apply to SCOTT pedelecs, i.e.
using cycle paths is not compulsory. Wearing a helmet is recommended, but not
compulsory. Please make sure you do not confuse your SCOTT pedelec with a
“SCOTT speed pedelec” (see “Speed pedelecs”).
Most SCOTT pedelecs are designed for cycling exclusively on lanes and roads
with a smooth surface. Only use trails that are allowed for bicycles. For off-road
use only SCOTT off-road pedelecs are suitable. Using SCOTT trekking pedelecs
off-road can result in crashes with unforeseeable consequences.
Some SCOTT pedelecs have a pushing aid (c) which provides assistance during
pushing, even without pedalling, up to a speed of 6 kmh.
Your SCOTT pedelec is designed for a maximum overall weight, including
rider, luggage and SCOTT pedelec. The permissible overall weight is 130kg /
Speed pedelecs
Speed pedelecs are bicycles with an auxiliary motor (d) which provides assis-
tance to the rider even beyond a speed of 25 kmh, as long as you continue ped-
alling. The pedal-assist stops at a speed of 45 kmh. Without pedalling a SCOTT
speed pedelec provides assistance to a maximum speed of 20 kmh.
SCOTT speed pedelecs are regarded as motor vehicles, have an operating
licence or EU type approval and are therefore subject to strict regulations re-
lating to the replacement of components and to changes. Modifications with-
out approval/type approval result in an expiration of the operating licence, i.e.
the SCOTT pedelec must no longer be used on public roads. Please check in
the country where you use your SCOTT speed pedelec whether you require a
moped licence or a driving licence for motor vehicles.
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