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180 Care and maintenance
Plastic parts and leatherette
Exterior plastic parts are cleaned with normal washing and interior
parts with a damp cloth. If this is not sufficient, tthheessee ppaarrttss aanndd
lleeaatthheerreettttee mmaayy oonnllyy bbee cclleeaanneedd wwiitthh ssppeecciiaall ppllaassttiicc cclleeaanneerrss tthhaatt
aarree ffrreeee ffrroomm aallccoohhooll aanndd ootthheerr ssoollvveennttss..
The use of liquid air conditioners directly over the air vents of the vehicle
may damage the plastic parts if the liquid is accidentally spilled over
Upholstery cloth and textile trim
Upholstery cloth and textile trim on door panels, parcel shelves,
luggage compartment covers, headlining etc. must be cleaned with
special cleaners or dry foam and a soft brush.
Natural leather*
Leather should, depending on usage, be treated from time to time
in accordance with the following instructions. It must be noted that
on no account may ssoollvveennttss,, fflloooorr wwaaxx,, sshhooee ppoolliisshh,, ssppoott
rreemmoovveerrss aanndd ssiimmiillaarr pprroodduuccttss bbee uusseedd ffoorr tthhiiss ppuurrppoossee..
To clean leather a cotton or woollen cloth lightly moistened with
water should be used for the dirty surfaces.
Dirtier areas may be cleaned with a mild soap solution (2 dessert
spoonfuls of neutral soap to 1 litre of water). Make sure that the
lleeaatthheerr iiss nnoott mmaaddee ttoooo wweettand that no water seeps through the
seams. After cleaning, wipe dry with a soft cloth.
Furthermore we recommend that, with normal usage, the leather is
treated at half yearly intervals with a special leather care agent.
Apply one coat and clean off with a soft cloth once it has taken
Cleaning seat belts
KKeeeepp bbeellttss cclleeaann.. TThheeyy mmaayy nnoott rreettrraaccttpprrooppeerrllyy iiff vveerryy ddiirrttyy..
Dirty belts can be cleaned by washing with a mild soap solution
without taking the belts out of the vehicle.
Inertia reel belts should be completely dry before they are allowed to roll up.
TThhee sseeaatt bbeellttss mmuusstt nnoott bbee rreemmoovveedd ffoorr cclleeaanniinngg..
DDoo nnoott hhaavvee tthhee bbeellttss cclleeaanneedd cchheemmiiccaallllyy bbeeccaauussee tthhee cclleeaanniinngg
ccoommppoouunnddss ddaammaaggee tthhee wweebbbbiinngg mmaatteerriiaall.. EEnnssuurree tthhaatt tthhee bbeellttss ddoo nnoott
ccoommee iinnttoo ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh ccoorrrroossiivvee fflluuiiddss..
YYoouu sshhoouulldd cchheecckk tthhee ccoonnddiittiioonn ooff yyoouurr sseeaatt bbeellttss rreegguullaarrllyy.. IIff yyoouu ffiinndd
aannyy ddaammaaggee ttoo tthhee bbeelltt wweebbbbiinngg,, bbeelltt ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss,, tthhee bbeelltt rreettrraaccttoorr oorr tthhee
lloocckkiinngg ppaarrttss,, tthhee bbeelltt iinn qquueessttiioonn mmuusstt bbee rreeppllaacceedd bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee

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Seat Alhambra 2005 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 309 seiten

Seat Alhambra 2005 Bedienungsanleitung - Französisch - 317 seiten

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