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208 If and when
When tread depth is down to 1.6 mm measured in the tread groove next to
the wear indicator bar – the official permissible minimum tread depth has
been reached (in export countries this figure may differ).
Renewing wheels/tyres
Wheels and tyres are important design features. The wheels and
tyres approved by us should be used. They are specially matched
to the model concerned and contribute largely to the excellent
roadholding and safe driving characteristics.
TThhee TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceess hhoolldd uupp ttoo ddaattee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn rreeggaarrddiinngg tthhee
ssttaannddaarrdd ttyyrreess ffiitttteedd bbyy tthhee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr.. AAllssoo:: MMaannyy TTeecchhnniiccaall
SSeerrvviicceess ppoosssseessss aa llaarrggee rraannggee ooff ttyyrreess aanndd rriimmss..
• Fitting and repairing tyres requires expert knowledge and special
tools. This work may only be carried out by specialist personnel.
FFoorr tthhee ssaakkee ooff tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeenntt
Because of the problems in disposing of old tyres and the specialised tools
and knowledge required, tyres should preferably be changed at a Technical
Service Centre.
• For safety reasons the tyres should be renewed in pairs and not
singly. The tyres with the deepest tread should always be on the
front wheels.
• You should only combine radial tyres of the same construction,
size (rolling circumference) and, as far as possible, the same tread
profile on all four wheels.
• On four wheel drive vehicles all tyres must be of the same brand.
Otherwise, the viscosity would unnecessarily increase the
proportion of the rear drive since the axes would be turning at
different speeds and this could cause damage.
If the spare wheel has got a different use than the wheels the car
is using actually (for example, winter tyres or wide tyres), in case of
a breakdown it will only be possible to be used for a short time and
driving with special care. It will have to be replaced by the normal
wheel as soon as possible.
• Never fit used tyres whose previous history is not known.
• Knowing the tyre lettering and its meaning makes the selection
of the correct tyres easier. Radial ply tyres have the following
lettering on the sidewall:
TThhee ttyyrreess mmuusstt bbee rreenneewweedd wwhheenn tthheeyy aarree wwoorrnn ddoowwnn ttoo tthhee wweeaarr
WWoorrnn ttyyrreess aarree ddeettrriimmeennttaall ttoo rrooaaddhhoollddiinngg ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy aatt hhiigghh ssppeeeeddss oonn
wweett rrooaaddss.. FFuurrtthheerrmmoorree,, tthhee vveehhiiccllee tteennddss ttoo aaqquuaappllaannee ssoooonneerr..

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Seat Alhambra 2005 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 309 seiten

Seat Alhambra 2005 Bedienungsanleitung - Französisch - 317 seiten

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