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224 If and when
Please take the time to review the instruction manuals provided with mobile
telephones and two-way radios!
If you wish to use mobile phones or radio telephones with a
transmission power of over 10 W, you must necessarily check with
your Technical Service Centre. They will inform you about the
technical possibilities for additional mobile and radio phone
EEmmeerrggeennccyy ssttaarrttiinngg
Jump leads
If the engine will not start because the battery is flat,
jjuummpp lleeaaddss
can be connected to the battery of another vehicle to start the
engine. The following points should be noted:
• Both batteries must be of the 12 Volt variety and the capacity
(Ah) of the booster battery must be approximately the same as that
of the flat battery.
• The jumper cables must be heavy enough to carry the load. Note
cable manufacturer’s data.
• Only use jumper cables with insulated clips.
• There must be no contact between the vehicles, otherwise
current can flow as soon as the plus terminals are connected.
• The flat battery must be properly connected to the electrical
• The engine of the boosting vehicle must be running.
• Ensure that the insulated clips have enough contact to metal.
This is particularly applicable to clips which are attached to the
engine block.
CCoolloorrss ooff jjuummppeerr ccaabblleess::
Positive cable: generally red.
Negative cable: generally black, brown or blue.
PPlleeaassee ccoonncceennttrraattee oonn yyoouurr ddrriivviinngg ffiirrsstt ooff aallll.. NNeevveerr iinnssttaallll tteelleepphhoonnee
rreettaaiinneerrss oonn tthhee AAiirr BBaagg ccoovveerr oorr wwiitthhiinn iittss rraannggee ooff eeffffeeccttiivveenneessss.. TThhiiss
wwoouulldd iinnccrreeaassee tthhee rriisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy sshhoouulldd tthhee AAiirr BBaagg bbee aaccttiivvaatteedd dduurriinngg aann
AA ffllaatt bbaatttteerryy ccaann ffrreeeezzee aatt tteemmppeerraattuurreess ooff lleessss tthhaann 00°°CC.. AA ffllaatt bbaatttteerryy
mmuusstt ffiirrsstt bbee tthhaawweedd oouutt bbeeffoorree aattttaacchhiinngg tthhee jjuummpp lleeaaddss,, aass iitt ccoouulldd
ootthheerrwwiissee eexxppllooddee..

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Seat Alhambra 2005 Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 309 seiten

Seat Alhambra 2005 Bedienungsanleitung - Französisch - 317 seiten

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