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UUnnlleessss ootthheerrwwiissee iinnddiiccaatteedd,, aallll tteecchh--
nniiccaall ddeettaaiillss pprroovviiddeedd bbeellooww aappppllyy ttoo
vveehhiicclleess wwiitthh ssttaannddaarrdd ffiittttiinnggss..
TThheessee vvaalluueess mmaayy bbee ddiiffffeerreenntt ffoorr ssppee--
cciiaall vveehhiicclleess oorr vveehhiicclleess ddeessttiinneedd ffoorr
ootthheerr ccoouunnttrriieess..
PPlleeaassee bbeeaarr iinn mmiinndd tthhaatt tthhee ddaattaa iinn
tthhee ccaarrss ooffffiicciiaall ddooccuummeennttss ttaakkeess
EEnnggiinnee ddaattaa
TThhee eennggiinnee ffiitttteedd iinn yyoouurr vveehhiiccllee iiss
iinnddiiccaatteedd iinn tthhee ddaattaa sshheeeett iinncclluuddeedd
iinn tthhee IInnssppeeccttiioonn aanndd MMaaiinntteennaannccee
PPllaann aanndd iinn tthhee ccaarrss ooffffiicciiaall ddooccuu--
These values were calculated without
extra equipment reducing performance,
such as air conditioning, mud flaps, extra
wide tyres, etc.
FFuueell CCoonnssuummppttiioonn
The consumption and emission levels
were calculated using the 93/116/CE
measuring standards and take into
account the true free-standing weight of
the vehicle (weight category). To measure
the fuel consumption the vehicle is tested
in two different cycles on a rolling bench
under the following conditions:
TToowwnn ddrriivviinngg
is measured from a cold
start of the engine. Then, driving condi-
tions similar to those of in-town driving
are simulated.
IInntteerrcciittyy ddrriivviinngg
the car is accelerated
and braked in all gears, just as in normal
driving. The driving speed varies between
0 and 120 km/h.
TToottaall ccoonnssuummppttiioonn
is based on a bal-
anced average of 37% of town driving and
63% of intercity driving.
eemmiissssiioonn lleevveellss
are obtained
from the exhaust fumes of the vehicles
tested in town and intercity driving on a
rolling belt. These fumes are then
analysed and the CO
emission levels are
obtained, among other values.
The consumption and emission levels
given in the following tables are correct for
unloaded vehicles with basic fittings.
If there are extra fittings, the empty weight
will increase and, as a result, the weight
category, which may slightly increase the
consumption and CO
levels. Consult a
Technical Service Centre to find out the
exact specifications of your vehicle.
Driving style, road and traffic condi-
tions, weather conditions and the condi-
tion of the vehicle will, in practice, pro-
duce consumption levels different to
those indicated.
These weights are valid for European
Union vehicles. Vehicles for other coun-
tries may have other weights. At all times
it should be taken into account that the
data given with the official vehicle docu-
ment prevails.
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– GENERAL NOTES
GGeenneerraall ccoonnssiiddeerraattiioonnss oonn tteecchhnniiccaall ddaattaa

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  • Kontrollleuchte CPA leuchtet bis zum starten des Motzors
    Eingereicht am 21-4-2023 09:58

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