Safety Ins tructions and Important Information About Intended Use
Please r ead the foll owing instructions and saf ety notes thor oughly bef ore s tarting to use your pr oduct!
• Intended Use: this device has been designed f or playing back DVD/CD discs and to watch TV . If the product is
not used accor ding to the ins tructions, the user’ s and other persons ’ saf ety is not guaranteed and the
warranty will be void.
• User manual: please r ead this User Manual thor oughly and k eep it for any futur e r ef erenc e in a safe plac e.
F or your own safety and in or der to f amiliarize yourself with the diff er ent functions of the product, pl ease
foll ow the instructions in this manual car efull y .
When passing this pr oduct to other persons, pl ease also hand over this User Manual.
Please also r ead the user manuals of all devic es that you ar e going to connect to this de vice.
• Connecting to the Power Suppl y: do not use the devic e if the device or its c ables pr esent visibl e damage.
Connect the device onl y to the voltage indic ated on the corr esponding label on the pr oduct or AC adapter,
resp. Ne ver connect the de vice to a diff erent v oltage. Connect the device t o grounded po wer outlets that
compl y with the corr esponding safety st andards onl y . Do not bend or squeeze the cables.
WARNING: Inside the devic e there is danger ous volt age. Never open the housing of the devic e: ther e is risk
of personal injury by electric shock.
In order t o compl etely disc onnect the device fr om the mains, the power plug mus t be pulled out fr om the wall
outlet. Al ways pull the power cor d fr om the plug and never fr om the c able itself . El ectric storms may damage
any electric equipment; ther ef ore disc onnect the power plug fr om the wall outlet during a thunder storm. It is
also rec ommended to disconnect the de vice fr om the mains and to r emove any batt eries when you ar e
intending not to use the devic e for a l onger time.
• Objects inside the device: mak e sur e that no for eign objects or liquids enter the devic e via the ventilation
holes or other openings. Ther e is risk of el ectric shock, damage to the device and short-cir cuit. In c ase of
any emergency, immediat ely pull the power plug and c ontact a qualified service t echnician.
• Installation: place the de vice onto a flat and ev en surface. Ne ver co ver the ventilation hol es of the device and
make sur e that the air can easil y flow ar ound the devic e (keep at l east 10 cm / 4 inch spac e on the back and
The device has anti-skid rubber f eet. Over the long-t erm, these feet can dis sol ve due to chemical subs tances.
It is rec ommended that you place the de vice on an anti-skid surf ace.
WARNING: do not use this devic e outdoors!
• Condensation: when bringing this device fr om a cold t o a warm environment (e.g. aft er transportation)
moistur e can condensat e inside the device. In or der to pr otect the devic e fr om damage and failur e wait at
least 2 hour s prior to using the devic e.
• Health injury: extr emely high audio v olumes can damage your hearing permanentl y . Ther ef or e car efully
adjust the volume.
Connect the headphones or earphones to the device prior t o powering it on, as connecting it when alr eady
power ed on can pr oduce high sound l evels c ausing damage to your hearing.
• Children: Do not all ow childr en to play with el ectrical devic es. Children may not be abl e to c omprehend the
presenc e of potential risks.
• Batteries: Keep batteries away fr om childr en.
Always r eplace all the batt eries at the same time (never mix old and new batteries). Do not short-cir cuit any
batteries. Ther e is risk of expl osion when misusing the batteries.
• Rechargeabl e battery: if your de vice has been designed for mobil e use and cont ains any rechar geabl e
batteries, please not e the foll owing instructions: char ge the battery befor e using the devic e for the fir st time.
If you ar e planning not to use the devic e for a longer period of time, r echar ge the battery e very 2 or 3 months.
This will impro ve the battery’ s lifetime.
Do not short-circuit any r echar geabl e batteries. Ther e is risk of expl osion. Use the rechar geabl e battery
supplied with the product onl y . If you have to replac e the rechar geabl e battery, cont act a qualified service
technician or our Service Hotline. Rechar geabl e batteries ar e components subject to wearing out and not
cover ed by the manuf actur er warranty .
Do not place any objects on the devic e and never appl y any pres sur e onto the housing or the display . Do not
place any r ecipients containing liquids (be verages, vases, et c.) onto or next to the de vice. Do not place any fir e
sourc es (such as candl es) onto the devic e. This could damage the pr oduct.
• Environmental eff ects: Keep the device away fr om any heat sour ces (heating equipment, o vens, cooking
places, candl elight, etc.), dir ect sun radiation, dirt, dust, vibr ations, str ong magnetic fields, moistur e and rain.
• Cleaning: Cl ean the device with a soft, slightl y moistened cl oth. Do not use any chemicals, al cohol or
sol vents for cl eaning. The finish of the devic e can be damaged by using these substanc es.
Always mak e sure that no mois tur e enters the devic e.
• Servicing: when using the device ac cor ding to the operating instructions, no special servic e or maintenance
is requir ed. In c ase of any loss of perf ormance or other malfunction, c ontact a qualified service technician.
• Repairs: never open the de vice! Any r epairs must be perf ormed by authorized technicians or service p
ersonnel. Any unauthorised opening or modification will void the warr anty and also the safety of the pr oduct
may be alter ed.
WARNING: Inside the devic e there is danger ous volt age. Never open the housing of the devic e: ther e is risk
of personal injury by electric shock.
Envir onment
Old batteries do not belong in with the domestic was te!
Consumers ar e obliged by law to r eturn any old batteries and r echar geable batteries t o the corr esponding loc al
and/or public coll ection centr es or to r eturn them to the r etail shops. This ensur es that batteries will be disposed
of respecting the envir onment.
Make sur e to r eturn any batteries and r echar geable batt eries discharged.
Disposal of old electric and el ectr onic devices:
The icon of a dashed-out waste bin means that a separ ate disposal of electric/el ectr onic
equipment is necessary .
Accor ding to the Legislation of the Eur opean Union, any el ectric and electr onic devic es may not be
disposed of with domestic trash but must be r eturned to a special c ollection c enter enabl ed for
the recy cling of these devices. The l ocal wast e companies should have set up specific coll ecting
centr es for this purpose, all owing private c onsumers to r eturn any old devic es for fr ee. Please
contact your l ocal authorities or the l ocal waste c ompany for the availabl e disposal possibilities.
Please support us activel y by pr otecting the envir onment and r ecycl e this product ac cor dingl y by returning it t o a
specific coll ection centr e. This will pr otect the envir onment, other people and your self . Thank you very much!