In the following cases, the hand position data stored in the built-in IC and the positions the hands actually point to do not correspond with each other.
Follow the procedure below to adjust the hand position.
1) The hands do not point to the proper positions, being affected by strong shocks, magnetism.
2) The hands do not indicate the time properly after the time synchronization via Bluetooth communication.
3)After Bluetooth communication, the hour and minute hands do not indicate the reception result, "YES" or "NO" properly.
After the city hand position adjustment is completed, press
Button Ⓑ. The minute hand moves to indicate that it is ready for
hand position adjustment.
Press ButtonⒶor Ⓒto set the minute hand to the 12 o’clock position.
※With each press of Button Ⓐor Ⓒ, the minute hand advances or moves back,
respectively. It moves quickly if the respective buttons are kept pressed.
After the minute hand position adjustment is completed, press Button Ⓑ.
The hour hand moves to indicate that it is ready for hand position adjustment.
Press ButtonⒶor Ⓒto set the hour hand to the 12 o’clock position.
※With each press of Button Ⓐor Ⓒ, the hour hand advances or moves back,
respectively. It moves quickly if the respective buttons are kept pressed.
⑧ After the hour hand position adjustment is completed, press
Button Ⓑ. The hand position adjustment function is deactivated,
and the display returns to the time. If the watch is left untouched
for 3 minutes, the hand position adjustment function is also
deactivated, and the hand position you have set is registered.
[ TIME mode ]
hour hand
[ Minute hand position
adjustment ]
[ Hour hand position
adjustment ]
[City hand position
adjustment ]
minute hand
Set city hand
Button Ⓐ
Button Ⓒ
Press and hold both
Buttons ⒶandⒸ
at the same time
for more than
10 seconds
Press and hold both
Buttons ⒶandⒸ
at the same time
Press to
move back
Press to
move back
Press to
move back
Button Ⓑor returns automatically in 3 minutes
Button ⒶButton ⒶButton Ⓐ
Press to
Press to
Press to
Button ⒸButton ⒸButton Ⓒ
Button ⒷButton Ⓑ
■Operation Method
①Press Button Ⓐ to change the mode to TIME.
Press and hold Buttons Ⓐ and Ⓒ simultaneously for more than
10 seconds. The hand position adjustment function is activated,
and the hour hand and minute hand move to the 12 o'clock
position and the city hand moves to T (Tokyo) to indicate it is
ready for city hand position adjustment. If any of the hour hand,
minute hand, or city hand is misaligned, adjust the hand position
using the following method.
※While ButtonsⒶand Ⓒ are kept pressed to activate the hand position
adjustment function, the minute hand setting display of the manual time
setting function appears temporarily. Be sure to keep the button pressed
for more than 10 second until all the hands move toward the 12 o’clock
position. (Refer to “How to Adjust Time Manually (1)” on P. 14.)
③Press Button Ⓐ or Ⓒ to set the city hand to T (Tokyo) position.
※With each press of Button Ⓐ or Ⓒ, the city hand advances or moves
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