- 9 - 12/2020
Copyright © 2020, F ast ČR, a.s.
Cleaning the condensate tank
■ Empty out the condensate tank A6 whenever you finish using the appliance and
wipe it using awiping cloth.
■ T o prevent undesirable bacteria, micro-organism or moulds from multiplying inside
the tank, clean it out at least once per month using acloth dampened in lukewarm
water with the addition of neutral detergent. Then rinse it out thoroughly using
clean water , wipe it dry and inser t it back into the appliance.
■ Do not wash the tank in adishwasher .
Cleaning the air lter
■ Check and clean the air inlet grille with filter A8 at least once every two weeks or , if
necessary, more frequently when the applianc e is used every day.
■ Release the grille with filter by applying slight pressure to the tab on the bottom
edge and remove it carefully . Wash the grille with filter in warm water with a small
amount of kitchen detergent. Then thoroughly rinse it under running water and
allow it to dry naturally. Install the grille with filter back in its place . However , first
make sure that it is completely dry.
Do not use the appliance without the grille with filter being
properly installed. Do not wash the grille with filter in a
dishwasher .
Cleaning the outer cov er and air outlet grilles
■ T o clean the air outlet grille A2 , the air inlet grille A8 and the outer cover , use
awiping cloth lightly dampened in lukewarm water with asmall addition of neutral
detergent. Make sure that water does not en ter into the vents. In the event that the
grilles are only dusty, avacuum cleaner ma y be used to clean them.
■ When not using the appliance for an extended period of time, disconnect the power
plug from the power socket and clean it accor ding to the instructions provided
■ Clean the condensate tank A6 only 24 hours after turning the appliance off since
even during this time asmall amount of condensate may accumulat e.
■ Secure the power cord using the strap A10 .
■ Store the appliance in a dry, clean and well-ventilated location not exposed t o
extreme temperatures and out of children‘ sreach.
Problem Solution
The dehumidifier cannot be
turned on.
Check that the power cord plug is corr ectly
connected to apower socket.
Check that fuses are in order .
The dehumidifier reached the set humidity level or
the condensate tank A6 is full.
The condensate tank A6 is not correctly installed.
The dehumidifier is not
removing humidity from the
The dehumidifier has only been running for
ashort time, please wait afew more moments.
Make sure that there are no curtains, roller blinds
or furniture in front of the dehumidifier .
The humidity setting is insufficient.
Check that the doors, windows and other
openings in the room are properly closed.
The temperature in the room is t oo low
There is an oil heater or other appliance located in
the room that may be creating humidity .
The dehumidifier is too noisy
while running.
The air filter is clogged.
The dehumidifier is tilted.
The floor is not level.
Frost is f orming inside the
The dehumidifier is equipped with an automatic
defrost function, which is activated when frost
starts to form.
There is water on the floor . Check the hose for damage and that it is correctly
Disconnect the hose and use the condensate
tank A6 to drain the condensate. Close outlet A9
using aplug.
Button B4 is flashing. The humidity / temperature sensor is damaged.
Contact an authorised service centre.
Error messages
Error messages
on the display
Meaning Solution
AS Humidity sensor error Disconnect the power plug from the
power socket and reconnect it.
If the problem persists, please contact
an authorised service centre.
ES Vaporizer heat sensor
Disconnect the power plug from the
power socket and reconnect it.
If the problem persists, please contact
an authorised service centre.
P2 The condensate tank
A6 is full or incorrectly
Empty out the condensate tank A6 or
install it correctly.
1. Servicing instruc tions
1.1 Area check
Before starting work on asystem containing flammable refrigerants, saf ety checks are
necessary to ensure that the risk of ignition is minimized. When repairing a cooling
system, the following measures must be adher ed to prior to performing any work.
1.2. Work procedure
Work must be performed following a controlled procedure so tha t the risk of
flammable gases or fumes being present during this time is minimised.
1.3 General work area
The whole maintenance crew and other personnel at the sit e must be informed about
the nature of the works being performed. W or k in tight areas must be preven ted. The
area around the work site must be divided into sections. It must be ensured that the
conditions inside the area are safe by means of inspections of flammable materials .
1.4 Check for presence of arefriger ant
The area must be checked using an appropriate detector for the pr esence of refrigerant
before and during work to ensure that t echnicians are aware of a potentially flammable
atmosphere. It must be ensured that the device used for the det ection of leaks is
suitable for use on flammable refrigerants, i.e . non-sparking, appropriately sealed or
intrinsically safe.
1.5 Presence of afire e xtinguisher
In the event that any work is performed on the cooling device or associated parts
under heat, then a suitable fire extinguisher must be on hand. In the vicinity of the
filling area, there must be apowder or C O2 fire extinguisher.
1.6 No ignition sources
No person performing work related to the cooling system that encompasses the
uncovering of any pipes that con tain or have contained flammable gasses may
use any ignition sources in a manner that could lead to a fire or explosion hazard.
All possible ignition sources, including the smoking of cigarettes should be kept at
a sufficient distance from the installation, repair , removal or disposal location, during
which flammable refrigerant could potentially be released int o the surrounding
environment. Prior t o starting work , the area around the appliance must be checked
to ensure that there are no fir e hazards or ignition risks present. A „smok ing forbidden“
sign must be installed.
1.7 Ven tilated area
It must be ensured that the area is ventilated or appropriat ely ventilated prior to
penetrating the system or performing any work under heat. The intensity of ventilation
must continue for the time that works are performed. Ventilation should saf ely
dissipate any released refrigeran t and draw it out into the atmosphere as apriority.
1.8 Cooling system checks
In places where electrical components are replaced, these components must be suitable
for this purpose and conform to correct specifications. The manufacturer ‘s instructions
for maintenance and service must always be follo wed. If any doubts arise, it is
necessary to request help from the manufacturer‘stechnical department.
On installations containing flammable refrigerants, it is nec essary to per form the
following checks:
– the amount of refrigerant corresponds to the siz e of the room in which components
containing refrigerant are installed;
– ventilation systems and outlets are in full working order and are not clogged;
– if any indirect cooling circuit is used, the second cir cuit must be checked for the
presence of refrigerant;
– the mark ings on the appliance must remain constantly visible and legible, and
marking and signs that are illegible must be repaired;
– The cooling pipes and components are installed in locations where it is not probable
that they will be exposed to any substances that could c orrode the parts containing
refrigerant, unless these components are built using mat erials that are inherently
resistant to corrosion or are appr opriately protected against corrosion.
1.9 Electrical device check
The repair and maintenance of electrical components must include safety checks and
inspections of components.
In the event of a malfunction that could affect safety, no electrical power may be
connected to the circuit until the malfunction is satisfactorily resolved. In the event
that the malfunction cannot be immediately repaired but it is necessary to continue
running the appliance, an appropriate temporary solution must be used. The owner of
the appliance must be informed in such away that all parties know about it.
The initial safety check must ensure:
■ that capacitors are discharged: this must be performed in asafe way to prevent the
possibility of sparking;
■ that no electrical components or wiring is uncovered during the process of filling ,
draining or cleaning the system;
■ that the grounding is not interrupted.
2. Repair of sealed components
When repairing sealed components, all the electrical power supply must be disconnected
from the appliance on which work is being performed before sealed lids, etc . are removed.