Swatches, 148, 156, 160, 162,
Transform, 121, 122
Transparency, 170
View, 24
tablet, 94, 279
tags (gift), 21
printing, 260
targets (drawing), 50
technical drawings, 21
applying fonts to, 103
artistic, 99
Auto-Correct, 112
defaults, 30
editing, 101
entering, 99
flow on a curve, 109
flow text in a shape, 108
formatting, 102
frame, 100
overflow, 108
resizing, 108
retyping, 102
selecting, 102
setting defaults, 30, 103
shape, 100
spell checking, 111
Unicode, 101
text objects, converting to editable
curves, 77
textures, paper, 216
three colour fills, 159
three points transparency, 171
thumbnails (printing), 260
TIFF (CMYK), 267
Bitmap and Plasma fills, 163
printing, 260
tint, adjusting, 150
Artistic Text, 99
Blend, 200
Connector, 78
Crop, 185
Dimension, 83
Envelope, 205
Erase, 128
Fill, 159, 162, 163
Frame Text, 100
Freeform Paint, 128
Knife, 125
Mesh Fill, 163
Node, 69
Paintbrush, 93, 94
Pen, 63
Pencil, 62
Perspective, 204
Pointer, 59
QuickShape, 75
Rotate, 59, 123
Roughen, 203
Shadow, 207
Shape Builder, 130
Straight Line, 63
Transparency, 172
logos, 181
photos, 181
profiles, 184
Transform tab
for precise repositioning, 121
for precise resizing, 122