184 Index
Stopframe animations, 146
previewing (for print/PDF), 157
printing, 159
profiles, 133
blend, 133
pressure, 59
printing, 159
Publish as PDF, 161
QuickShapes, 37
adjusting, 38
converting to editable curves, 48
creating, 37
radial fills, 102
raster (bitmap) images, 114
changing raster to vector, 123
registration, 2
Replicate Tool, 70
replicating objects, 69
resizing, 67
Smart Sizing, 68
Rostrum Camera, 168
Rotate Tool, 24
rotating objects, 73
rulers, 18
sampling (colours), 101
animations, 143
documents, 17
Scalable Vector Graphics, 114
of drawings, 20
of drawings, 18
of line width, 100
selecting objects, 24
invert selection for, 26
multiply, 25
Send to Back, 83
Serif Metafile Format, 114
setup, animations, 142
Shadow Tool, 131
Shape Builder Tool, 75
shape text, 61
shapes, 31
combining, 75
drawing, 27
editing, 42
joining, 75
using QuickShapes, 37
shearing, 74
Size Objects, 67
slides, 168
Slides tab, 171
small documents (setup), 14
Smart Sizing, 68
SMF, 114
solid fills, 95
square fills, 102
stacking (ordering) objects, 82
Startup Assistant, 10, 13, 15
restore last session, 16
stencils, 136
Stencils tab, 136
Stopframe Animation, 142
stopframes, 143
cloning, 144
inserting, 144
onion skinning, 145
reordering, 145
Storyboard tab, 147
Straight Line Tool, 28
styles (graphic), 126
Styles tab, 130
Subtract (Join), 76
support, 176
Swatch tab, 94, 104, 105
system requirements, 7