Welcome 3
Welcome to MoviePlus X6!
Welcome to MoviePlus X6, the powerful video-editing program from Serif.
MoviePlus is the program of choice for video editors looking for easy and
intuitive ways to create and share their own movies.
MoviePlus X6 offers an exciting experience at all the key steps of movie
creation—from importing media, media management (trimming and ordering),
and video editing, through to exporting your project to DVD and Blu-ray disc.
You can also share your movie via YouTube and Facebook, as well as use all the
latest Apple devices.
Video editing can be performed in storyboard or timeline mode (for ease-of-
use vs. editing power). Whichever mode you plan to work in, you'll be the envy
of your audience at your movie's first screening!
If you've upgraded from a previous version, this new edition of MoviePlus
includes a host of exciting new features (p. 10) which keeps MoviePlus ahead
of its competitors and at a fraction of the price!
Don't forget to register your new copy, using the Registration Wizard on the
Help menu. That way, we can keep you informed of new developments and
future upgrades!