294 Index
for web, 275
from design templates, 20
layout guides, 52
master pages, 38
opening existing, 25
producing books, 166
saving, 27
setting dimensions, 33
sharing by email, 261
starting from scratch, 24
swapping between, 27
working with more than one, 27
publish ing
PDF files, 255
as books, 170
to local folder, 280
to web, 282
QuickShapes, 201
radial transparency, 240
raster images, 178
reflection maps (filter effect), 211
reflections (filter effect), 206
registration, 3
objects, 72
using dynamic guides, 70
retouching (pictures), 192
reverting to saved version, 26
row and column guides, 53
ruler guides, 53, 54
creating, 53
rulers, 55
adjusting, 56
setting units for, 56
Save Defaults, 30
a publication, 27
scaling (printing), 246
scanned images, 195
schemes (colour)
for paper publishing), 227
for web, 277
objects, 63
text, 117
Serif MetaFile Format (SMF)
exporting, 77
importing, 178
Serif Web Resources, 271
Shade/Tint slider, 226
shapes, 201
anchoring, to text, 84
applying transparency, 240
closing, 203
combining, 82
fitting text to, 116
gradient/bitmap fills for, 234
resizing, 72
solid fills for, 225
skewed shadows, 207
slideshows (PDF), 258, 260
snapping objects, 69
solid transparency, 240
special effects, 204, 208
Spell Checker, 155
as you type, 154
Auto-Correct, 152
Spell Checker, 155