Index 287
anchoring, to text, 98
calendars, 160
overview, 158
tables of contents, 165
for BookPlus, 176
multiple, 168
using styles to prepare, 169
templates, design, 21
adding to text frame, 115
artistic (standalone), 122
AutoCorrect, 154
automatic spelling as you type,
changing colour or shading of,
copying, 128
editing on the page, 126
Find & Replace, 130
fitting to frames, 118
formatting in PagePlus, 131
frames, 113
inserting user details, 148
on a path, 124
pasting, 128
selecting, 126
setting default properties, 109
setting indents, 129
special effects, 208, 211
storing, 74
tables (overview), 158
using gradient and bitmap fills
on, 230
variables, 151
text frames, 113
anchoring, to text, 98
creating, 114
linking/unlinking, 120
setting default properties, 109
Text Style Palette, 132
text styles, 132
apply, 134
create, 135
modify, 135, 136
remove formatting, 137
replace common, 139
synchronizing (books), 175
text wrap, 140
theme layouts, 21
thumbnails (printing), 256
tiling (printing), 256
tinting, 222
Artistic Text, 123
Connector, 217
Elbow Connector, 216
Fill, 232
Irregular Crop, 95
Lasso, 80
Pen, 201
Pencil, 201
Pointer, 80
QuickShape, 204
Shadow, 210
Square Crop, 94
Straight Line, 201
Table, 159
Transparency, 237
Warp, 103