Index 135
named, 62
support, 128
Swatches tab, 94, 101
system requirements, 7
Assets, 39
Chart Data, 70
Charts, 72
Colour, 94
Pages, 27
Swatches, 94, 101
Transparency, 107
Table Tool, 68
tables, 68
from text, 69
technical support, 128
templates, 12
adding to text frame, 45
artistic (standalone), 57
changing colour or shading of,
editing on the page, 58
fitting to frames, 51
formatting, 60
frames, 44
gradient and bitmap fills on, 100
selecting, 59
setting default properties, 20
to table, 69
text frames
auto-creation of, 56
auto-flowing, 55
creating, 45
flowing, 51
inline pictures in, 50
linking/unlinking, 53
setting default properties, 20
Text Style Palette, 62
text styles, 61
text wrap, 64
theme layouts, 12
Thesaurus, 60
thumbnails (printing), 117, 118,
tiling (printing), 117, 118, 120
Artistic Text, 57
Fill, 101
Table, 68
Transparency, 108
transparency, 106
applying, 107
gradient, 109
Transparency tab, 107
Transparency Tool, 108
Trimmed Mode, 120
typeface, setting, 60
unlinking text frames, 53
Update Object Default, 20
upgrading, 2
Welcome!, 2
wrapping text around objects, 64