Fit Text to Curve, 109
banners, 85
movies, 220
navigation bars, 46
Font Manager, 66
fonts, 119
setting, 119
WebSafe, 120
formatting text, 119
Paste Format for, 146
forms, 275
controls, 281
editing, 284
creating, 278
structure, 276
submission of, 284
acknowledging, 285
Forums (Smart object), 306
accessing, via offsite links, 40
Forward One command, 155
frame text, 98
frames (picture), 193
frames (text), 98
creating, 101
Creative, 100
HTML, 100
margins/columns of, 102
setting default properties, 163
snapping to, 157
Freehand Path Text Tool, 109
account details, 319
migrating, 322
FTP settings, 319
Gallery tab (Studio), 85
glow effect, 175
Google AdSense, 91
Google Analytics, 10
Google Maps, 87
colour fills, 245
transparency, 246
groups, 162
guides, 54
dynamic, 157
ruler, 55
snapping to, 157
sticky, 56
hexadecimal colour code, 238
Hit Counter (Smart object), 307
holidays (public), 136
home page, 29
hotlinking, 234
hotspots, 255
editing, 256
HTML, 267
adding code to Web pages, 269
attaching code as fragments,
creating pages in, 267
IDs, 274
tokens, 275
HTML Frame Tool, 101
HTML pages, 40
HTML Table Tool, 133
Hyperlink Manager, 66, 253
hyperlinks, 251
setting colour of, 242