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To avoid overheating and fire, special care must be taken when
cooking or reheating foods with a high sugar or fat content, for
example, Sausage rolls, Pies or Christmas pudding.
See the corresponding hints in operation manual and the
cookery book section.
TToo aavvooiidd tthhee ppoossssiibbiilliittyy ooff iinnjjuurryy
Do not operate the oven if it is damaged or
malfunctioning. Check the following before use:
a)The door; make sure the door closes properly and
ensure it is not misaligned or warped.
b)The hinges and safety door latches; check to make sure
they are not broken or loose.
c) The door seals and sealing surfaces; ensure that they
have not been damaged.
d)Inside the oven cavity or on the door; make sure there
are no dents.
e) The power supply cord and plug; ensure that they are
not damaged.
If the door or door seals are damaged, the oven must not be
operated until it has been repaired by a competent person.
NNeevveerr aaddjjuusstt ,, rreeppaaiirr oorr mmooddiiffyy tthhee oovveenn yyoouurrsseellff..
IItt iiss hhaazzaarrddoouuss ffoorr aannyyoonnee ootthheerr tthhaann aa ccoommppeetteen
ppeerrssoonn ttoo ccaarrrryy oouutt aannyy sseerrvviiccee oorr rreeppaaiirr
ooppeerraattiioonn wwhhiicchh iinnvvoollvveess tthhee rreemmoovvaall ooff aa ccoovveerr
wwhhiicchh ggi
ivveess pprrootteeccttiioonn aaggaaiinnsstt eexxppoossuurree ttoo
mmiiccrroowwaavvee eenneerrggyy..
Do not operate the oven with the door open or
alter the door safety latches in any way.
Do not operate the oven if there is an object
between the door seals and sealing surfaces.
DDoo nnoott aallllooww ggrreeaassee oorr ddiirrtt ttoo bbuuiilldd uupp oonn tthhee
ddoooorr sseeaallss aanndd aaddjjaacceenntt ppaarrttss.. CClleeaann tthhee oovveenn
aatt rreeggu
ullaarr iinntteerrvvaallss aanndd rreemmoovvee aannyy ffoooodd
ddeeppoossiittss.. FFoollllooww tthhee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr CCaarree aanndd
CClleeaanniinngg oonn ppaaggee
GGBB--2244.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo mmaaiinnttaaiinn
tthhee oovveenn iinn aa cclleeaann ccoonnddiittiioonn ccoouulldd lleeaadd ttoo aa
ddeetteerriioorraattiioonn ooff tthhee ssuurrffaac
cee tthhaatt ccoouulldd
aaddvveerrsseellyy aaffffeecctt tthhee lliiffee ooff tthhee aapppplliiaannccee aanndd
ppoossssiibbllyy rreessuulltt iinn aa hhaazzaarrddoouuss ssiittuuaattiioon
Individuals with PACEMAKERS should check with
their doctor or the manufacturer of the pacemaker
for precautions regarding microwave ovens.
TToo aavvooiidd tthhee ppoossssiibbiilliittyy ooff eelleeccttrriicc sshhoocckk
Under no circumstances should you remove the outer cabinet.
Never spill or insert any objects into the door lock openings or
ventilation openings. In the event of a spill, turn off and unplug the
oven immediately, and call an authorised SHARP service agent.
Do not immerse the power supply cord or plug in
water or any other liquid.
Do not let the power supply cord hang over the
edge of a table or work surface.
TToo aavvooiidd tthhee ddaannggeerr ooff ffiirree..
TThhee mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveenn sshhoouulldd nnoott bbee lleefftt
uunnaatttteennddeedd dduurriinngg ooppeerraattiioonn.. PPoowweer
lleevveellss tthhaatt aarree ttoooo hhiigghh,, oorr ccooookkiinngg ttiimmeess
tthhaatt aarree ttoooo lloonngg,, mmaayy oovveerrhheeaatt ffooooddss
rreessuullttiinngg iinn aa ffiir
This oven is designed for counter top or built-in use.
Do not place the oven in a cabinet. When the oven is
to be built-in, the installation frame EBR-5000 licensed
by SHARP must be used. This is available from your
dealer. Refer to the frame installation instructions or ask
your dealer for the proper instruction procedure. Only
the use of this frame will guarantee the safety and
quality of the product.
The electrical outlet must be readily accessible so that
the unit can be unplugged easily in an emergency.
The AC power supply must be 230V, 50Hz, with a
minimum 16A distribution line fuse, or a minimum 16A
distribution circuit breaker.
A separate circuit serving only this appliance should be
Do not place the oven in areas where heat is
generated. For example, close to a conventional oven.
Do not install the oven in an area of high humidity or
where moisture may collect.
Do not store or use the oven outdoors.
IIff ssmmookkee iiss oobbsseerrvveedd,, sswwiittcchh ooffff oorr
uunnpplluugg tthhee oovveenn aanndd kkeeeepp tthhee ddoooorr
cclloosseedd iinn oorrddeerr ttoo ssttiifflle
e aannyy ffllaammeess..
UUtteennssiillss sshhoouulldd bbee cchheecckkeedd ttoo eennssuurree tthhaatt
tthheeyy aarree ssuuiittaabbllee ffoorr uussee iinn tthhee oovveenn.. SSeeee
aggee GGBB--XXXX--XXXX.. UUssee oonnllyy mmiiccrroowwaavvee
ssaaffee ccoonnttaaiinneerrss aanndd uutteennssiillss oonn
mmiiccrroowwaavvee mmooddeess..
WWhheenn hheeaattiinngg ffoooodd i
inn ppllaassttiicc oorr ppaappeerr
ccoonnttaaiinneerrss,, kkeeeepp aann eeyyee oonn tthhee oovveenn dduuee
ttoo tthhee ppoossssiibbiilliittyy ooff iiggnniittiioonn..
CClleeaann tthhe
e wwaavveegguuiiddee ccoovveerr,, tthhee oovveenn
ccaavviittyy aanndd tthhee ttuurrnnttaabbllee aafftteerr uussee.. TThheessee
mmuusstt bbee ddrryy aanndd ffrreeee ffrroomm ggrreeaas
see.. BBuuiilltt--
uupp ggrreeaassee mmaayy oovveerrhheeaatt aanndd bbeeggiinn ttoo
ssmmookkee oorr ccaattcchh ffiirree..
Do not place flammable materials near the oven or
ventilation openings.
Do not block the ventilation openings.
Remove all metallic seals, wire twists, etc., from food
and food packages. Arcing on metallic surfaces may
cause a fire.
Do not use the microwave oven to heat oil for deep
frying. The temperature cannot be controlled and the
oil may catch fire.
To make popcorn, use only special microwave
popcorn makers.
Do not store food or any other items inside the oven.
Check the settings after you start the oven to ensure the
oven is operating as desired.
R-899_[EN].qxd 5/24/07 11:15 AM Page 1

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