Appetizers and Snacks
Sausages in Crust
“Würstchen im Teigmantel“ Makes 8 servings
Total cooking time: approx. 25-27 minutes
Utensils: Baking pan (dm. approx. 30 cm)
greaseproof paper
8 Small Sausages (each 50 g)
300 g Puff pastry, frozen
1 Egg Yolk
Some Water
1. Pierce the sausage skin several times.
2. Thaw the puff pastry according to package
directions, roll out thinly. Cut the dough into 8
squares; roll up one sausage in each square.
3. Thin the egg yolk with a little water. Brush the puff
pastry rolls with this mixture, sprinkle with salt and
4. Cover the baking pan with greaseproof paper, put
the dough rolls on top and bake on the low rack in
the pre-heated microwave oven.
25-27 Min. 230°C
Mushrooms with Rosemary
“Champiƒ ones rellenos al romero”
Total cooking time: 11½-16½ minutes
Utensils: Bowl with cover (1 l contents), flat,
round casserole dish
(dm. approx. 26 cm), microwave foil
8 Large mushrooms (about 500 g), whole
2 tbsps Butter or margarine (20 g)
1 Onion (50 g), finely chopped
50 g Ham, finely diced,
Black pepper, ground rosemary,
125 ml Dry white wine
125 ml heavy wh ipping cream
2 tbsps Flour (20 g)
1. Remove stems from mushrooms, finely chop the
2. Add butter to the bowl and distribute evenly on
the bottom of the bowl. Add onions, diced ham
and mushroom stems, season with pepper and
rosemary, cover and cook.
3-5 Min. 100 P
Let cool.
3. In a covered casserole dish, heat 100 ml. Wine
and the Heavy whipping cream.
1-2 Min. 100 P
4. Mix the rest of the wine and the flour to make a thin
dough, add the hot liquid, cover and cook.
Stir once.
approx. ½ Min. 100 P
5. Fill the mushroom caps with the ham mixture, place
into the sauce and bake on the high rack.
7-9 Min. 30 P
After cooking, let the mushrooms stand for about 2
Quiche with Shrimp
“Quiche aux crevettes”
Total cooking time: approx. 25-30½ minutes
Utensils: round baking or quiche dish
(dm. approx. 26 cm)
Bowl with cover (2 l contents)
100 g Flour
60 g Butter or margarine
2 tbsps Cold water
1 tsp Butter or margarine to grease the pan
2 Onion (100 g), finely chopped
100 g Bacon (2 slices), finely diced
100 g Shelled Shrimp
2 tbsps Butter or margarine (20 g)
2 Eggs
100 ml Sour cream
Salt and pepper
1 tbsp Parsley, chopped
1. Mix flour, butter, water and salt, let stand in cool
place for 30 minutes.
2. Grease the pan. Roll out the dough and place into
the pan, pierce with a fork several times and pre-
4-5 Min. 100 P
3. Distribute the butter evenly in the bowl. Add onions,
bacon and shrimps to the bowl. Cover and cook.
Stir once.
3-5 Min. 100 P
Drain fluid after cooling.
4. Mix eggs, sour cream and spices.
5. Mix all other ingredients and distribute on the
quiche dough. Place onto the low rack and cook.
15-17 Min. 20 P/230°C
3-3½ Min.
6. Sprinkle parsley on top prior to serving.