Duck in Orange Sauce
“Carnard à l’orange”
Total cooking time: approx. 62-70 minutes
Utensils: Round baking pan
(dm. approx. 32 cm)
Soup bowls
Two bowls with cover (2 l contents)
1 Young duck (1800 to 2000 g) without
1 Twig of Marjoram
200 ml Water
1 Duck liver (50 g)
6 Oranges, untreated (1200 g)
1 tbsp Sugar (10 g)
1 tbsp Water
1 tbsp Vinegar
250 ml Meat broth
150 ml Port wine
1 tbsp Potato flour (10 g)
1. Wash the inside and outside of the duck, pat dry,
season with salt and pepper. Place the twig of
marjoram in the inside of the duck.
2. Pour water into the baking pan and place a soup
bowl, upside-down, into it. Place the duck on top
of the plate, bake on low rack. Turn after ½ of
cooking time.
58-62 Min. 30 P/230°C
Place the duck on a pre-warmed serving platter.
3. Carefully remove excess fat from the roast drippings
and put into a bowl. Add duck liver, cover and cook.
1-2 Min. 100 P
4. Thinly peel two oranges, cut the peel into very thin
strips. Put into the second bowl, add sugar and
water, cover and heat.
1-2 Min. 100 P
5. Add the orange peel, vinegar, meat broth and port
wine to the liver.
6. Squeeze the juice of one orange. Mix the potato
flour with the orange juice and stir into the sauce.
Cover, cook and wait until the sauce slightly thickens.
Stir occasionally and after cooking is finished.
2-4 Min. 100 P
7. Peel the leftover oranges, filet (remove fruit pulp
from skin) and also place on serving platter. If
required, remove excess fat from sauce, remove the
duck liver and season to taste.
8. Pour some sauce over the orange filets. Fill rest of
sauce into a sauce boat and serve alongside the duck.
If required, place the duck on the low rack and
bake for an additional 5 minutes prior to serving.
Quails in Cheese and Herb Sauce
“Quaglie in salsa vellutata”
Total cooking time: approx. 17½-21½ minutes
Utensils: Kitchen string
Flat, square casserole dish
(approx. 20 x 20 x 6 cm)
Bowl with cover (1 l contents)
4 Quails (600 - 800 g)
200 g Marbled bacon, thinly sliced
1 tsp Butter or margarine to grease the pan
1 tbsp each Fresh Parsley per quail
Basil, finely chopped
150 ml Port wine
250 ml Meat broth
2 tbsps Butter or margarine (20 g)
2 tbsps Flour (20 g)
50 g Shredded Emmentaler cheese
1. Wash the quails and carefully pat dry. Salt and
pepper the inside and outside, wrap bacon slices
around outside, tie with kitchen string.
2. Place the quails onto the high rack and bake.
8-10 Min. 50 P
3. Grease the casserole dish, place the quail with the
grilled side down into the casserole dish.
Finely chop the herbs, sprinkle over quail and pour
port wine over it. Place the quails onto the low rack
and cook.
6-8 Min. 50 P
Remove the quail from the gravy.
4. Put sauce into a bowl, cover and heat.
approx. 2 Min. 100 P
Mix butter and flour, add to sauce, let come to a
boil and cook.
Stir once during cooking.
approx. 1½ Min. 100 P
5. Stir cheese into the sauce. Add the cheese sauce to
the gravy, mix well, pour over quail and serve.
Meat, Fish and Poultry