Lifting the tank by the regulator or hoses may loosen a
previously tight connection, which could cause unexpected
air loss and put the diver at risk during a subsequent dive.
5. Surface test the regulator by breathing lightly through the
mouthpiece. Purging the regulator above the water’s surface
is NOT an appropriate method for testing the function of the
1. After the dive, blow all water out of the dust cap with clean dry air
and place the cap securely on the regulator inlet. On multiple tank
dives, keep salt water out of the regulator inlet when changing
the tanks. Neglect of these simple procedures is a major cause of
corrosion and wear in scuba regulators. Sherwoood’s exclusive
Dry Air Bleed System keeps all other water-borne contamination
out of the first stage body.
A tiny stream of bubbles escaping from a small black valve
on the first stage indicates that the Dry Air Bleed System
is working. The amount of air used is negligible (13-25
cc/min.). Check the system periodically, particularly after
servicing, to ensure that there is some air escaping from
the black one-way bleed valve. If no air is escaping from
the valve when air pressure is applied to the first stage,
you should have the regulator inspected by your authorized
Sherwood Scuba dealer.