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© Siemens AG 2004, C:\Daten_itl\Siemens\DTP-Satz\Produkte\AX72_Pegasus_DTC\out-
left page (11) of AX72 Pegasus-DTC, SUG, en, A31008-H2860-A1-2-7619 (04.10.2005, 10:58)
VAR Language: en; VAR issue date: 050307
Paraguay ..........................................8 00 10 20 04
Peru ..................................................0 80 05 24 00
Philippines ........................................0 27 57 11 18
Poland.............................................08 01 30 00 30
Portugal ............................................8 08 20 15 21
Qatar....................................................04 32 20 10
Romania .........................................02 12 04 60 00
Russia..........................................8 80 02 00 10 10
Saudi Arabia .....................................0 22 26 00 43
Serbia .............................................01 13 22 84 85
Singapore ............................................62 27 11 18
Slovak Republic ..............................02 59 68 22 66
Slovenia............................................0 14 74 63 36
South Africa ....................................08 60 10 11 57
Spain.................................................9 02 11 50 61
Sweden.............................................0 87 50 99 11
Switzerland .....................................08 48 21 20 00
Taiwan ............................................02 23 96 10 06
Thailand............................................0 22 68 11 18
Tunisia .................................................71 86 19 02
Turkey..........................................0 21 65 79 71 00
Ukraine ........................................8 80 05 01 00 00
United Arab Emirates........................0 43 31 95 78
United Kingdom ...........................0 87 05 33 44 11
USA .............................................1 88 87 77 02 11
Venezuela....................................0 80 01 00 56 66
Vietnam................................................45 63 22 44
Zimbabwe ............................................04 36 94 24
Care and maintenance
Your phone has been designed and manufactured
to the highest of standards and should be treated
with great care. The suggestions below will help
you to enjoy your phone for many years.
Protect your phone from moisture and humidity.
Precipitation, humidity and liquids contain min-
erals that will corrode electronic circuits. Never-
theless, should your phone become wet,
disconnect it immediately from the power sup-
ply to avoid electric shock. Do not place your
phone (even to dry it) on/in a source of heat
such as a microwave oven, oven or radiator.
The phone may become overheated and
possibly explode.
Do not use or store the phone in dusty, dirty ar-
eas. Its moving parts may be damaged and the
casing may become deformed and discoloured.
Do not store your phone in hot environments
(e.g. vehicle instrument panel in the summer).
High temperatures can shorten the life of elec-
tronic devices, damage batteries and warp or
melt certain plastics.
Do not store your phone in cold environments.
When the phone warms up again (to its normal
ambient temperature), moisture can form inside
the phone, which may damage electronic circuit
Do not drop, knock or shake your phone. Rough
handling can damage internal circuit boards!
Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents,
or strong detergents to clean the phone!
The suggestions given above apply equally to your
phone, battery, charger and all accessories. If any
of these parts is not working properly, obtain fast
and reliable help at our service centres.
Battery quality declaration
The capacity of your mobile phone battery will re-
duce each time it is charged/emptied. Storage at
too high or low temperatures will also result in a
graduly capacity loss. As a result the operating
time of your mobile phone may be considerably re-
duced, evan after a rull recharge of the battery.
Regardless of this, the battery has been designed
and manufactured so that it can be recharged and
used for six months after the purchase of your mo-
bile phone. After six months, if the battery is clearly
suffering from loss of performance, we recommend
that your replace it. Please buy only Siemens origi-
nal batteries.
Display quality declaration
For technological reasons, a few small dots with
different colours may appear in the display in ex-
ceptional cases.
Please note that the appearance of brighter or
darker dots generally does not mean that a fault
has occurred.

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Art des Missbrauchs:

Zum Beispiel antisemitische Inhalte, rassistische Inhalte oder Material, das zu einer Gewalttat führen könnte.

Beispielsweise eine Kreditkartennummer, persönliche Identifikationsnummer oder unveröffentlichte Privatadresse. Beachten Sie, dass E-Mail-Adressen und der vollständige Name nicht als private Informationen angesehen werden.


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