Gigaset S820-S820A / LUG - AU-NZ en / A31008-M2404-C401-1-7619 / direct_charges.fm / 11/29/12
Template CES 131x195 1col, Version 1, 12.03.2012
Contacts (address book)
Editing entries
¤ Touch N.
u Change/delete first name, surname, number
or eMail address: Touch the entry ¤ Where nec-
essary, touch the relevant field
¤ Delete data by touching ç ¤ Where necessary, enter new
¤ Touch è to confirm. Touch ‘ to exit the menu without saving.
u Delete a caller picture or ringtone assignment: Touch the relevant entry.
¤ No Picture/No Ringtone
u Delete a birthday: Touch the Bir
thday field. ¤
Deleting an entry
¤ In the detail view: Options ¤ Delete ¤ Touch Ye s to confirm.
Delete all con
tacts entries:
Menu key v
¤ Settings menu page ¤ Ê System ¤ Clean-up List ¤ Contacts
¤ Delete all contact entries ¤ Touch Ye s to confirm.
Displaying the number of entries that are still available in
the contacts
¤ Open the contacts ¤ Options ¤ Memory
Defining the order of the contacts entries
You can define whether the entries are to be sorted by first name or surname.
Menu key v
¤ œ Contacts ¤ Press First Name or Sort by Surname.
If no name was entered, the number with the green dot is copied to the surname field. These
ntries appear at the beginning of the list, regardless of how the entries are sorted.
The sort order is as follows:
Space | Digits (0-9) | Letters (alphabetical) | Other characters.
Selecting a contacts entry, navigating in the contacts
If there are more than four entries in your contacts, a scroll bar appears on the right-hand side.
You have the following options:
u Scroll to the name you are searching for.
u Enter the first letter of the name via the keypad. The l
etter appears in the header. The display
jumps to the first name that begins with this letter. If necessary, scroll until you reach the
desired entry.